Where is everybody???
I hope everybody had a great weekend. It is kinda quiet around here! What have you'll been up too? I myself have been super busy with kids, and family.....we were gone all weekend and didn't get home until 8 or so last night! So here I am tired with a house to clean and about 4 loads of laundry to do from the weekend
I feel I am about ready to burnout!! It was a long weekend, we went to Minneapolis for a Hot Rod show...I ate Okay....didn't drink enough, ended up constipated and tired!!! Now I am home and ready to get back on track......I hope the summer slows down a bit!!!! We often do a lot of weekend trips with family throughout the summer......but being so busy throughout the week, I would kinda like to just take it easy!!!!! I do have more energy now, but man I am tired!!! Any advice???? Hope all is going well with everyone.... Take Care

I'm here! Glad to hear that you are still around. Now I know why I didn't hear from you this weekend at all. Sounds like you have been busy. Well, I am up to my gills in homework again. Last two days of school are today and tomorrow (besides the independent study class) and I have to finish up a major presentation and research paper. Jumped online for research and then going to post goals/roll call before getting back to work.
Nice to hear from you! I'll call or e-mail soon.
Hey how are you...i am tired also...i had a busy weekend getting ready for fathers day...i did all the cooking again. with my mom still kinda tired and recovering i made everything for supper on sunday...friday i worked for my mom while she was having her heart check up...well she was really tired afterwards so i told her to go home and rest....saturday morning my dad called telling me they were taking my grandma to the hospital so i had to work...so i worked saturday also....my sister ponded off her kids on me after i got off work...so when i got home at 1 p.m. i started to cook and bake....i made potato salad, macaroni salad, pea salad, strawberry pie, fiesta roll ups and homemade rolls....and waited for my sister to come get the kids so while i waited i made my dad a scrapbook for fathers day...well my sister finally came and got her kids at 3 a.m. well sunday i got up made devilled eggs.. then loaded the car up to go to lake view...well got to my sisters to finish the scrap book...got to mom and dad's house for supper....afterwards my dad and i was talking and he was asking me how much i had lost cuz i looked really good and i seem happier...and he told me to keep up the great work.....Ok i was surprise cuz he nevers gives me a compliment.......well mom and i loaded her blazer up with stuff she is giving me.....so i got home around 10:30 p.m. unloaded the blazer and did some laundry.....i had to get up this morning to work so my mom could take my grandma up for her tests at the hospital and then mom has to go to get her test results back today....might be going to minn. this week sometime......I talked to my kids cuz they are at their dads for a month......so that was my weekend....lynda