very very bad gas
I've read and heard that it is a very common problem after WLS! I too have enough gas to run my car for a year!
Have you tried gas-x, or beano? My stomach growls,bubbles, and generally makes alot of loud noises at times. It's a little embarrassing, but a small price to pay, for all the pluses!! I've read of a product available on line, that is supposed to make the gas less smelly, but can't remember the name right now. Maybe someone else will know the name. Good luck!! DeeAnn R.

Gas-Ex worked for me. I know a couple other people have used Beano. I still have gas every once and awhile... I leave the room and blame it on the cat .....
sorry can't be of more help. A couple others I know have the same problem.
My advice-- try the Gas-Ex and get a pet... (if you don't already have one) My cat Newman knows the drill... he even looks at me when I leave as if to say NOT AGAIN
Lay off the broccoli and and sulfer foods (eggs and the like) that's the only other advice I have

Yep, got the gas and the rumbling tummy and all. Sometimes the gas even hurts my little tummy and I have to take a tums. Usually, it is a matter of finding somewhere to release the pressure without offending someone. (If I try holding it forever, I then get the pain and have to take a tums.) I think I will take Paula's suggestion and start blaming the dog or cat, or the teenager or the husband..................... The smell of all things from that end has changed since surgery. I'm sure it has to do with the rerouting of our intestines.
I'm not sure this has been too helpful, but wanted you to know you're not alone.
God bless,
Do you eat sugar-free foods? I notice a HUGE difference when I eat fake sugar. Things like sugar-free candy or anything with sugar alcohols like splenda, can really give me gas, sometimes quite painful. Days that I don't eat any fake sugar, I don't have any gas at all. Anyway- just a thought.