52 weeks post op!!!!
Yesterday was my 52 weeks post op for having open RNY. I can't not believe how time has just flown by!!!! I feel so much better today than I did a year ago.
Of course I have not lost as much as I have wanted to, however, I am very satisfied with what I have lost so far. I have lost 115 pounds and hope to loose about 20 more. I like where I am and I think that when your body gets to where it is comfy then it is much harder to lose those last few pesky pounds. The evil sweats have gotten a hold of me. I know that I can't eat what I used to I can still eat bits at a time.
So that is frustrating at times.
My hubby and I are wanting to start a family now. I hope that God will bless us with a child.
I appreciate all of the support that I have received in this web site over the past year either by posting or just lurking. Knowing that others are dealing with similiar things helps me lots.

Congradulations on your weight loss. I hope you and your husband do get blessed with a child if you have problems then try fertility I didn't have problems with my first 2 boys but then I did with my daughter but of course I was 340 pounds when I had her but I went to fertility for 3 years. It finally worked she is 5 now and what a preciouse little angel she is. By the way my boys are 18 and 20
started all over again. Dont give up and good luck enjoy life to the fullest.

Congrats on a great first year! I certainly hope that things work well with you for having a baby. My surgeon's office recommended 18 months to 2 years out before having another baby. Oh, yep, that means that we are not sure if we are done yet - we have a 17 year old, 7 year old and almost 2 year old. My OB/GYN said that he will NOT see me before this time next year - meaning that he wanted me to be 18 months out as well.
Good luck in your quest. Prayers going your way for a wonderful little blessing!
God bless,