Lung consult
Okay I'm back again with another question, pesky person that I am!
My surgeon called with the lung docs appointment time on 7/20/04. I've been in medical billing for 21 years so I know the ins and outs of a doc's office and called the lung specialist office today to try and get on a cancellation list for an earlier appointment. Well, the appointment book God's must have been smiling on me today because I was able to get an appt. on 7/8/04 instead! Yea!
I've never been to a lung doc before--anyone that's had a consult/evaluation for surgery by one want to give me the Readers Digest version of what to expect?

Hi Judy I see a lung doctor they usually just listen to your lungs do chest xray and maybe some other minor tests its not that bad. Well I had the one where you sit in a booth and have to blow as much as you can and since I am having a problem right now with my lung I didn't like that test. sometimes they take a blood gas where they draw blood from the wrist area and I guess everybody tolerates neddles in different ways. well good luck and take care.