6/14 Roll call and goals
Please don't stop your roll call. It forces me to re evaluate my
actions each week. It's like a blessed time out to start fresh.
I had a bad week of keeping on track. I'm craving and eating
way too much salt and carbs.
This weeks goal:
cut down on salt and carbs
read posts daily (to reground myself)
excersize at least 4 times this week
Thanks for the accountablity, we love you Andrea!
Thanks for the kind words. If everyone wants to keep doing this, by all means, I will keep posting for weekly goals. What's up with the salt and carbs? I got that going on, too. Can't stand it. After saying I wouldn't buy pretzals, I went out and bought some last night. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I NEED CONTROL!!!!! I'll count on you all to help keep me "grounded".
Can't wait to meet you Wednesday!
I'm voting with the rest! Please don't stop the weekly goals. I don't post weekly but I read them all and gain strength that way.
My goal last time was to post more. Failed miserably on that one, so will make it number one this time.
2. Keep a civil tongue when dealing with insurance ref surgery approval.
3. Start walking more often.
4. Already drink plenty of water, now need to learn to 'sip' it.
5. Get to Mercy in Des Moines and see my new nephew who is in NICU.
Hope you all have a good week
pre op, awaiting approval
LTNS! I have been reading when I can, but no time to post. Took a nap today so now I can't sleep! Goals this week: Clean this house!! Driving me crazy! (short trip) Stay away from those stupid carbs. That is about it I guess, If I drink any more water, I will float away, I am up to almost a gallon a day now.
Keep up the great work, Andrea!
I enjoy the weekly goals posts, it helps me to see not only where I need to be but where others are going as well. Keep it up.
Last week was difficult but I made it. I was having a great deal of mental hunger and as of today I am now on the soft pureed diet (step II for you on Glass****'s plan). I didn't cheat, even though I though about it.
One thing I did that was not good. . .I was at home alone and my daughters dog got tangled on her chain, well, I rescued the dog and pulled out my inside stitches. Boy, was I in pain for 4 days, had to go get a scolding from the doctor. I am feeling better again and am really being careful not to do anything like that again. I probably set my healing back at least a week.
My goals for the week are:
1. Pray every day for strength in all things.
2. Be careful with starting new foods. Take it slow.
3. Get all my liquids in (are slim-fast, and yogert smoothies food or liquid?)
4. Walk everyday (every if the misquitoes carry me and the dog away)
5. Check the boards every day.
Hope you all have a great week!
Jackie G.