Barbara Schneckloth
I am new here and just 11 days out from surgery. I didn't have any problems with the surgery and so far the recovery. Is it easy, NO. But it is well worth my efforts and I know that this time, I WILL WIN (actually, I will be a big LOSER
Don't worry about being nervous, it is natural. The best way to help that is to be the most informed and prepared person possible. Sometimes it is what we don't know that scares us the most, and while we can't know everything, we can arm ourselves with what knowledge we can. So make sure you have asked your surgen all (and I mean ALL) your questions. Go on the Internet and look at different surgens web sites (not all doctors do this in the same way) Make sure you know what will happen at all stages after surgery. Also, surround yourself with supportive people. You don't need any negative nussys around right now.
Good Luck and God Bless!
Jackie G.

Hi Barb,
Just wanted to let you know that I'm here for ya, hon. I just read your profile that Dr. Christophersen is doing your surgery. He did mine as well. You will be in good hands. Until then, keep posting here and reading so you can find out as much information about the surgery as possible. Also, then we can get to know you better.
Talk soon,
God bless,
Hi Congrats on your upcoming surgery. It is so normal to be scared and I was scared to death and I did just fine. Just educate yourself as much as possible and IF your surgeon is as thorough as dr glas**** you will do fine. We are all nervous and doubting if we should re think it If you would go through alll the messages on the main board you will see over and over the words anxious and scared so it is normal across the us. You are at the right spot for support and information. Never be afraid to ask a question. I am 3 months post op and feel great down 77 pounds! SO hang in there and you will be a BIG loser like us. GOod luck!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so glad you posted, I've been trying to send you the following email but it keeps coming back to me as undeliverable.
Hi Barbara:
I'm so excited for you!!! Genesis East is a great hospital. I had my surgery
at Trinity in Rock Island (loved my surgeon but not the hospital) but I wish
I could have had it at Genesis East. The hospital is just a few blocks from
my house. Do you have an angel yet? If not I'd be happy to be yours. Now
for my advice: Enjoy yourself!! Do things that are special. Eat out at your
favorite resturaunt. Don't buy any new clothes. They'll be too big after your first week out. Bring chapstick to the hospital, your lips will dry out. Stock your freezer with sugar free popsicles and sugar free jello. Chicken brothis also great. If your fridge doesnt make crushed ice. Check out the quick marts and buy a bag to have in the freezer it helps with the water and you will probably want something to chew on. Prep is tough if you want a symathetic ear during prep then feel free to call me I'm in the phone book. I had such a mix of emotions the two weeks prior to the surgery it's normal. If you have a lazy boy type of reclyner
it will help a great deal post surgery. It is very difficult to lay down in a
bed for the first 3-4 week. I didn't go back to a regular bed until mid week 5. If
you don't have one you may want to rent one or try to borrow one. There is a start, I've probably forgotten a thousand things, you'll never get
everything done that you want to before the surgery. Don't worry about it,
just do the best you can and like I said earlier, Enjoy Yourself! You'll
feel pretty sore for quite at while afterward. Keep me posted on how your
doing and if you have any questions don't hesitate to let me know. Email me your contact number and I'll give you a call if you want to talk or get together for lunch.
Really excited for you!,
Eileen Eitrheim