First off I want to say how deeply I am sorry about Momma Angel. She was such an inspiration to a lot of people, and did so much at the OH site from the things I have read. My prayers go out to her, and her family, and may she now be at peace!

I need to say "WOW" their has been a lot going on since I have been in here last. Boy I need to stay more in touch with the site, or I will loose track of what's going on.

Well today June 11, 2004 I got a phone call from Dr. Shinnerls office. It was from Jo Haze. She wanted to say how she was sorry that she had missed my first consultation when I visited with Dr. Shinnerl. She also wanted to reassure me that they did not forget about me. Since I need to see a pshyoligist (sp), and a dietition, well Jo wanted to let me know that they are very picky who they have us as paitents see. WOW nothing like letting me know how much they really care. Well the pshyoligist (sp) they use to use well no longer does practice so they had a call in with another individual, and hopefully something will come positive out of that phone call. Dr. Shinnerl wants me to have a physical, and a mammogram before surgery anyways so on the 22nd of June I am going in for the mammogram, and then on July 2 I will have my physical. I guess one way to look at it is that I am getting alittle closer to the surgery.

Well that is all for now, and until I post again, I hope everyone is doing well, God Bless you all, and we will talk again soon! ~ Pam