Questions about financing, etc...
Hello everyone!
I am almost 100% certain that my insurance company will not pay for WLS.
So, what I am wondering is if anyone had to finance their surgery?? If so, does Mercy Hospital (or any hospital in Iowa for that matter) arrange payment plans for the surgery? Or do you have to get a personal loan from a bank? My credit is not the best, so I am really worried about this.
I guess actually, I am worried about a number of things keeping me from having surgery. I have struggled with depression for the last 7 years, and currently see a therapist and a physciatrist. I am on a lot of physciatric medication too. I am doing fine now, but with my history, I just do not know what is going to happen.
It is just so frustrating. I know I am young, but I really feel as though I have tried just about everything to lose weight. I just can not lose the weight and gain it all back again ~ its too heartbreaking. My family has always been kinda cruel when it comes to my weight and it is so hard regaining a lot of weight after losing a lot of weight.
I just can not handle it anymore.
On Tuesday, 6/15 I have a physical scheduled with my family doctor. Cross your fingers and pray that he is going to help support me in having WLS! The more people I can get to support me in this (dr, physciatrist, therapist, etc...) the more likely it will be that I actually end up having surgery and losing the weight for good!
OH and one more question ~ did anyone go out of state to have the procedure done??
Thanks for listening!
Take care!

Most hospitals do not finance the cost of surgery. I know Mercy does not. Most people take out personal loans or 2nd mortgages. Why don't you think your insurance will approve? Have you checked out the insurance page to see what has happened with other people having the same insurance? There may be a few guidelines your insurance company wants you to follow. I know I had to show documentation of dieting failure for 5 years. Remember this is a long process and if the surgery is really what you want, you will do everything you have to.
Good Luck!
First things first, you are a terrific person and it is important that you want to take care of yourself. That is the first step. I have some questions for you before I try to offer much advice (not much in your profile, if you are new like me you are still trying to figure it all out).
1. Which insurance co. are you with and what plan are you on?
2. How old are you?
3. Tell me a little about you weight loss history.
4. Have you summitted any paper work to the insurance co yet?
I would love to help you as much as possible, just remember this is often a long process and takes determination and persistance on your part to make it happen. Also, there are some places that offer a financial plan. This may require more time between getting started and the surgery, but I am sure something will work out for you.
God Bless and take care!
Jackie G.