Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I am back online at home. Computer is fixed - had to wipe it all out and get reloaded because son had messed around on some unmentionable websites, we had over 200 pieces of spyware that had downloaded. Stuff just kept popping up and would kick us offline in like 10 minutes. Needless to say, the teenager does NOT have computer priveledges (SP)!!!
Oh - what's up with the blue fingers, you ask? Well, my teenager (17 and 1/2) just let his friend give him a mohawk a couple of weeks ago. He has been waiting to buy hair dye and just got it the other day. Well, Mom (that's me) did not read the bottle well enough when it said "WEAR GLOVES"! Soooooooooooooooooooooooo, I have permanently stained blue fingers, well, almost all of my palms, my fingernails and most of the underside of my fingers and a good portion of the top of my fingers. Hopefully my blue fingers will look as good as the blue mohawk, the blue streaks in my hair, my daughter's hair, her friend Michelle's hair, my niece's hair, or my husband's hair. Especially looking forward to playing piano at church tomorrow morning with blue hands!! Any ideas on how to get it off my hands would be well appreciated!
Looking forward to staying in contact with you all again!
God bless,
P.S. For those of you that I correspond with through e-mail or who want to correspond with me, please send me an e-mail so I can add your address to my address book again. It was wiped out when everything was restored on the puter.
Ok we still love yeah even with the blue fingers....lol.....my son wants his hair blonde blonde....and daughter wants blonde streaks...me personally i want my hair back...so i can dye it......last time i did it i went burgandy with blonde streaks.....Robert this guy that i have a fancy for gave me so much crap about it....he pointed out people that had the same hair coloring he was like dang woman i thought you was the only one but i guess not....i honestly cant wait to go see him again....hopefully really soon tho...his family is from davenport so i will be coming to visit one day so beware.......
now about kids and pc....well my kids are not allowed to touch my new pc...if they like their fingers and life they will not touch it....i know i am a mean mom....but o well........
I have to share this with you.....i made a goal of finding a job...well today i was at the dollar general store shopping and this guy was teasing my daughter and we were talking...and emm asked him a question and he answered it wrong so we corrected him...well he smiled and said you need a job...i was like who me???? he was like yes....i said yes i am...he gave me an application and said fill this out and bring it back....so i came home and did and took it in to him.....he said if i have my way the job is your but i am only the asst. manager but i will talk to the manager monday and we will call you ......and you will work afternoons to close...and weekends...i was like ok i will take anything you got....now i am so happy......not sure what the dr. will say tho....but i feel good so i think he will be ok with it......have a great weekend..........lynda
Hey glad to see you back online.....That spyware sucks!!! That is cool about Dannys hair I cannot wait to see it.....It'll take a week for the dye to fade probably.....Blue isn't a bad color....lol!!!! I tryed calling you yesterday and you weren't home I will try back today...Tkae Care and talk to you soon!

Hi Andrea:
Welcome back, sorry I didn't realize you were gone because
I was on vacation. Cedar Point, a big amusement park in
Ohio. It was great to be able to ride the kiddy rides with my
5 year old, walk through the turnstiles (sp?) without turning
sideways and putting on a swimsuit and swimming in a hotel
pool - without being mortified. What a great feeling!
Hey, about the blue hands, try hairspray. It will take ink out
of clothes and I seem to remember it working on dye (not
positive though.) Glad to hear all is well with you.