home/5days post op
Still sore and finding it hard to get comfy. I understand about the side sleeping. Cant lie flat either. Poor hubby, now there are even more pillows in bed. LOL I have been walking and drinking. Trying to get to next phase cause suger free stuff is tasing TOO SWEET for me. Tolerating everything else. Even meds. Andrea your visits and phone calls are really keeping me going. You are such a Angel! Eileen I was so excited to meet you in the hospital. What an inspiration! How did the shopping go? I can't wait to fill the charm bracelt with my 10 pound charms. You are such a thoughtful person. All the emails have been such a blessing. i save them all. FOr those of you waiting. hang in there. I am so excited for my new life! I am not hungry, but a diet pepsi still sounds delicious LMAO
So glad you are home and things went well. Funny how your tastes change quickly. Those protein drinks are nasty. But that will soon be over. I just started sleeping in bed the night before last. Until then, my recliner was my best friend. Too many temperature changes. Didn't want to wake up my hubby.
Sip and walk and you'll be feeling better in no time. It amazed me at how much better I feel each day. Except for my little infection set-back, I'm doing pretty well.
No Diet Pepsi! Water is your new best friend!
Hi Cyndi,
Welcome to the losers! Your experiences sound so like mine that they must be normal. Yes, sweet is too sweet & it still is and I am sneaking up on 6 months. It will take a bit before you can sleep on your side. For me it was probably about 3 weeks or so but when it is possible, it is heaven.
I bought myself an Italian Charm bracelet many pounds ago & last week I added the 110 charm, my new daughter-in-law's birthstone. I figure that if I keep adding a charm with each 10 lbs, even with removing one each time I add, that it will be too big when I reach my doctor's goal. I have 8 more to go & only 6 empty links left. I'll figure out what to do when I get there, I guess.
Now about Diet Pepsi. At 5 months I had my first one. I am allowed to drink them if they are flat and I find that they are not too sweet, like Crystal Light. I just pour it back & forth between two glasses until the carbonation is gone and then add several ice cubes to water it down. I'm sure the people in the parking lot at Kwik Star thought I was crazy. A blender will do the same thing if you are at home & faster. The night I drank the first one I got really constipated for the first time since my surgery. I don't know if there was a connection but it made me stop & think. I have had a couple since and enjoy drinking it but I make sure I only drink the decaffinated stuff. I want to use it for part of my liquids. I don't want to have to drink extra fluids to counteract the caffiene.

Hi Cindi:
Welcome home!!! How is that new reclyner and that saint of a
husband if yours? It's amazing to me how dependent we become
on our helpmates during this process and how incredible they are!
Shopping was frustrating but fruitful, I bought a pair of jeans
size (16) wahoo! I found lots of clothers that fit, but I didn't want
to spend the money on clothes because you drop sizes so quickly
that they don't get worn very much. Today I had more success,
I bought 3 pairs of pants on sale and I even broke down and
bought new underwear. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.
I can't believe your online already. Remember to take it slow, the
next 5 weeks are the hardest. It does get easier and easier as you
heal. I can't wait to find out how many charms you have to buy
next month. Oh, and by the way, I ditto your complements to
Andrea. She is such a positive person. I can't wait to meet her,
someday my schedule will let up a little.
God Bless,
Welcome home, Cyndi!!! I tried to post last night, but the puter at home screwed up again. If it is not fixed soon, I am buying a new one. I can't handle this virus stuff!!!
You know that you are more than welcome for being there for you. If I had the time and the resources, I would support everyone in person more often. Glad that everything is going well. Remember, like Eileen said, take it easy! You should be getting a lot of rest now. It is pertinent to your healing. Also, fluids and protein should be your priority. Keep up the good work. Did hubby really go out and buy you a new recliner so you can sleep? There's your angel!!
Eileen, thanks for the compliment! Can't wait to meet you also. Where did you get the charm bracelet? I want one!!!
Talk to you all soon,