Couldnt Believe this!!!!!!!
Ok last nite after my ex left i was standing out side and it was nice out and i had my overalls on and tank top(really not looking that good) this guy on a motorcycle drove by and waved at me which i thought cool he was hot looking....well my kids came out side we were just playing in front of the apt...i just happen to look up the street. who was looking my way the guy on the motor cycle didnt think much of it till he pointed at me and his friend turned and looked and they waved. i am like then this guy i liked for about 2 yrs who never looked my way drove by and hooked and wave then winked at me i was like ok i must be doing something right...well we were out there for about an hour..i had more guys honking and waving at me....Ok sorry but i got a major ego trip made me feel really good......i have lived here in carroll for 4 yrs and guys never waved or honked unless they new me..this is all new to me.......and i have to admit i am liking it........sorry i had to share this good part of losing weight..........Lynda
Lynda, You Go Girl!!!! I remember when I was in high school tipping the scales at almost 400 then dropped to 175. The boys wouldn't pay any attention to me then when I lost the weight the phone was ringing off the hook! I turned down date after date & my dad thought I was crazy! I reminded dad I was still the same person on the inside as I was when I was the fat girl, just the outside had changed. They didn't have time for me before I didn't have time for them now! He saw my point
I refused to date boys from here but dated out of town ones. They didn't know me from before & didn't judge me by my looks. I still say that is one of the funniest & happiest times of my life, ME turning down dates
but I would do it all over again! Will be interesting to see what is going to happen this time around, my inches are still going but still not losing weight, YET. That to shall pass. Maybe I better come visit you
! I will be there in the fall when we do the marching band thing again, we'll get together then. Keep up the fantastic work you are looking great! And what a great incentive you have going now! Hugs, Carolyn