Good Morning to you all....sorry i havent been on lately...i am going threw some stuff with my ex and my son...so it has been stressing me out majorly and giving me migranes plus sick to my stomach....found out i am going to court once again and maybe 2 more times after that....i am down and the i dont give a flying you know what attitude. before this surgery i would sit and eat all the time. weird thing is that now i have to force myself to even eat. but i get sick to my stomach...i dont puke i just get really bad headaches and my stomach hurts....soo i have been trying to do thing to forget my problems.....
I hope you all have a good weekend.....Lynda
Sorry to hear about the stresses in your life! On a happy note, your new pic looks great I wouldn't have even recognized you if it didn't have the before pic!!! You are doing great.....stress and depression suck but at least you are not turning to food....I still want to turn to food when I get down.....so you are doing better than me......I hope things turn around for you soon!! Remeber we are all here if you need to vent...Take Care if yourself

Your new picture looks great! I'm having the same problem, I mean having to force myself to eat, and headaches, and all that. I even have anxiety attacks, but I'm trying to learn everyday what to do to get rid of them.
I thought I would never have to force myself to eat. My brother thinks it's funny, but I tell him that it is not funny.
Keep up the GOOD WORK!
Take care
Lisa Young
PS I'm going to try to get my pictures on here as soon as I can.
my dad is the same way about thinking it is funny that i force myself to eat... he is like i never thought i would see the day you barely eat....honestly i am getting very tired of the headaches....there isnt a day that goes by that i dont have a headache....i just learn to deal with it...thanks for your support...will be nice to put a face with the name so i hope you get one on here soon......have a great weekend!!!!!! Lynda
Cool new pic!!! You look much happier than in your other pic. Sorry to hear that things are not going well. Do you have a good support system for you? Remember, it's not a bad thing to see someone for some therapy (like I am doing)! Chin up, hon, cuz you know that we are always here for ya!
God's blessings to you today and always,