Hi everyone. I was so excited to get here to let you all know how my visit went today. Life is great, and I had a awesome day. Was alittle nervous, but that was to be expected as I was going to see Dr. Shinnerl. First off I need to thank EVERYONE who gave me information about Dr. Shinnerl, and his staff. Ladies, you all were right, and everything you said about them was so true. I never felt so at ease like I was when I was their today, and to make me feel so welcome. WOW, that to was over whelming. Well my appointment was for 1:30pm, and the Dr. was right on track, didn't even have to wait but maybe 5 minutes to get in. Our session lasted alittle over an hour. He was very blunt, and to the point about this surgery. Dr. Shinnerl also said he is not one for jumping to the gun, and scheduling surgery until the paitent has really thought things through. So he gave me some material to read, and wanted me to take home all the information I had soaked in, and read the phamplet he gave me, and to think things over. Dr. Shinnerl wants me to talk with a dietition (sp), a exercise consultant, and phsycitrist (sp), and then to also have another updated session with him. So Dr. Shinnerl, or his staff is going to schedule these appointments for me, and is trying to do them all in one day since I live out of town, and so I do not have to drive back, and fourth so often. So I asked him after all is said, and done if he would do the surgery on me, and he said yes. He also said I was a very high candidate for the surgery. Boy I tell you what after today I really learned alot. What your BMI is, WOW mine was outragous 50 something. And today for the first time in I do not know how long I found out my true weight, and it is at 363. That is terriable, and it makes me sick. But hopefully soon, very soon it will not be that. Soooo as of now I do not have a date set for surgery, I will be having the surgery, but time will tell. First I need to get through all this other stuff, which I had expected, and then the date will be set. Am hoping something will be set yet for this summer. I will be sure to keep everyone posted as what goes on. Sherry, his office desk girl is going on vacation for a week next week, and she told me if I have not heard from them in two weeks, from Friday, that I was to call them, and find out whats up. Also as I was leaving today Sherry was getting a hold of my clinic in Sheldon to have my files faxed to them. Nothing like getting on top of things, and getting things going, that was another thing I really liked. So for now taking one day at a time, following the doctors orders, and doing, and asking what he tells me to do is all I can do for now. But yet in the back of my mind, and heart I at least know I will be having this surgery, and will be joining everyone else on the loosing side. Oh yeah he also told me that the surgery will be in Cherokee, and that I would get a private room as well. WOW that was something else that was cool that I liked. Well ladies thanks for your support. I will be checking in with all of you daily, even if it's just to shoot the breeze. Thanks for all you have done, this may only be the beginning, but it's the beginning of a new life for me. Love you all, take care, and God Bless you all. You guys are my angles, and for that I thank the man upstairs for letting me find you all! Until next time ~Pam