I am ALIIVE!!!!
Hi All,
I finally made it to the other side...yeah for me!! 

I was in the hosp. for about 5 days. I have had a pretty smooth recovery for the most part. Surgery was only 3 hours for open RNY. The first couple of days I hurt....but that was it. I have had a problem with my allergies and my nasal drainage draining into my new pouch. When it would drain down my throat...I would cough and cough and cough. Well you can imagine after doing that for a few days how sore my tummy was.
We now have the allergies under control and my tummy is starting to feel better. I am up and about and drinking my water with ease. I am having trouble eating though. I feel full all the time. Who would have ever thought I would have to make myself eat and not enjoy it at all.
I wanted to thank you all for all your wonderful thoughts and prayers. I go back on June 1st for my check-up. Then I get to move to pureed foods. This will be so exciting.
Thank you all for all your support and kind words.....
On the WLS Journey,

So Great to hear you made it thru OK!
I have been having those troubles with allergies too, glad you got them under control! that would hurt I Bet to be coughing and everything with your tummy still kinda open!
I know what you mean about feeling full though, I can remember that well. 3 or4 bites of sugar free jello, and my mind thought I needed more, but my body said no way! lol.
Keep us updated.!