New To This Iowa Sight!

Hi Pam, and welcome!!! You have come to the right place. The people on the Iowa boards, in particular, are so supportive! This journey is definitely not the easy way out, but one that is effective if you work at it and follow your surgeon's orders. I am also 36 and a mother of 3, a 17 year old son (who just let his friend give him a mohawk AHHHHHHHHHHH), a 7 year old daughter and a 22 month old son. Not sure that I am done yet with having kids, either.
I have always been overweight also, even as a toddler. I think that is one of the reasons that I have to work every day to make good choices for myself and not to engage in the bad eating behaviors (such as grazing for me).
Well, welcome again. Keep reading and educating yourself about this surgery while you continue in the process. And keep posting so we can get to know you better. Good luck on your journey.
God bless,
Thank you so much for the kind words, and the warm welcome. Nothing like a warm welcome to make me feel at ease. Also sounds like you to have a busy life as well. Nothing like the kids keeping us busy. I always say life would not be anything without them, and to have them is something special. Once again thanks for the welcome, and yes I will keep posting as much as I can. Just sent in a picture of myself, not the best, but hope they get it posted for me. Talk to you soon. God bless, and take care!
Hi Pam!
Welcome welcome welcome. You are going to love Dr. Shinnerl, there are several of us that he has performed surgery on
Sherry (receptionist), Kathy & Jo his nurses are fantastic as well. Dr. spent 2 hours with me my first visit! He's willing to spend time with you & answer ANY questions you have. Once you have insurance approval you'll have your surgery soon after. Keep us updated! My surgery was April 20th. Hugs...Carolyn

Welcome to this site. I haven't been on it for very long, just had
my surgery Feb 2, 2004. The people here are very supportive
and inclusionary. They are always willing to help with questions
too. I look forward to reading your posts. Ask as many questions
as you have and good luck with this next part of your journey.
God Bless,
Hi Mary:
Melinda McFarlin is my surgeon. I highly recommend her. She is
very good and works through the Trinity Bariatric Center in
Moline. The surgery was done at Trinity Main Campus in
Rock Island. They are extremely experienced. Her medical
studies are with University of Iowa and Mayo Clinic in Rochester.
She is very personable, takes time to answer all of your
questions and I trust her beyond measure. There are 3 other
surgeons in her practice that are all highly skilled at Bariatric
work also. Their practice has been doing this Surgery for
something like 30 years. If you have any other questions feel
free to email me and I'll send you my number so we can talk on
the phone. Good luck with your search. There are a number of
really good surgeons in this area so keep asking others also.
God Bless,