Roll call and goals 5/24/04
Good afternoon all, Sorry that this is coming so late - but it has been a hectic day here today!!! How did you do on your goals last week? I exercised and did crunches only 3 times, (bummer - my teenager did not want to watch the toddler so I could mow the yard - he mowed instead - or I would have had an extra day of exercise.) I did not limit my carbs/starches as much as intended and I did not fill out the form for the psychologist. Guess that I have some work ahead of me this week. Here are my goals:
1) walking and crunches 4 times a week
2) write down triggers for snacking for psychologist
3) limit grains to 3 a day (that includes crackers!)
4) do homework!
It's going to be a busy week for me. I will have to be reading on here as often as I can to keep my spirits up. Please also know that if I don't respond to everyone's posts as usual, my computer is messed up. Teenager downloaded some stuff he shouldn't have and I think it probably has a virus.
Now, for something extra, what are you planning on doing for Memorial Day?
Let's hear from you all now - even you Lisa Gomez, Anne B., Stephanie Hall, etc. No more hiding
God bless,

Hi Andrea,
Well last week started out good and then I came down with a bad cold and was home sick for 2 days. I am still fighting the cold part stuffy nose and chest. So I met most of my goals last week except the exercise one. I stayed in bed for a few days and just slept to help me get better. I also went and bought high protein stuff to put in the fridge for me to "snack" on if I had to and also watermelon, I love watermelon oh and I bought fat-free/sugar free ice cream only 90 cal. and some more protein. In the summer I like to cool feeling of ice cream.
My goals for this week are:
1. Exercise at least 4 times this week plus walk on break at work(weather permiting at this point)
2. Limit snacking after 8
4. Limit refined sugars altogether
I really need to focus so I can get some more weight off for my 1 year appointment in June. I have really been watching what I have been putting in my mouth this past week as I would like to get those last 20 pounds off ASAP.
Thanks for the support Andrea!!!

Hello there Miss Andrea
And everyone else!
Well, my goals are simple: STOP STUFFING MY FACE!!!!!!!!
I have been awful for the past week or so! Everytime I turn around I'm eating something. NOT necessarily anything bad, but I should NOT graze! My new follow-up doc says NO SNACKS PERIOD! Maybe it's a mental thing because I was told NO~ I have no idea, but it MUST STOP~NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Other than that, I believe I need to de-squeek my treadmill because of all of this rain we have recieved. WoW! What a mess it is out there!
Well, I should go for now. Have too much to do and not enough time to do it in. LOL
Take care everyone and GOOD LUCK ON OUR GOALS!!!
Open RNY
-88 LBS

I unpacked 4 boxes, but a lot more to go through, Mom keeps bringing more stuff in. I walked my first mile last week, wow, This week keep unpacking I think I'll get it done by Friday, I have to so I can have a week to myself before school starts, I'm going to summer school.
And still try to eat more. I got 4 meals in yesterday, now need one more.
Guess that's all.
Thanks for doing this goal thing. I enjoy it.
Take Care
Lisa Young
Good luck to everyone this week with their goals.......I know it can be trying and down right hard sometimes!!!! I did half good/half bad last week.......My goal for this week is to do good so I can have new goals next really really need to do better with the exercising...I am working on my eating and drinking.....other than that my major goal is the exercising.......I need to focus focus focus!!! Take Care

My goal is to set goals this week. I've been so busy I havn't
had much of time to focus on me. So, here goes:
1. get back to the computer more often to read and participate in
posting (this tends to help me stay on track)
2. finish the remodeling projects I started last week (excersize)
losts of up and down on the ladder
3. Drink less crystal light and more water
4. Focus on Protien less carbs (all I seem to want is carbs)
P.S. Andrea, I promise to try to catch up with you soon. I really
do want to meet you.