I know everyone says have patience this to shall pass, the dreaded plateau. I'm a month out now & still just 19 lbs. lost
Give you an example of foods I've been eating, tuna on toast, grilled cheese, boiled hamburger made into loose meats, potato salad (yummy), baked chicken breast, mac n cheese. I very seldom snack but have had peanut butter on ritz crackers & last night at Katie's softball game I bought some sunflower seeds, how addictive! I'm drinking carnation instant breakfast with skim milk, tea, 2 cups of coffee per day, lots of water. My biggest downfall is no exercise but have made up my mind even if I can only walk up & down our street a few times per day will be better than nothing. My leg/hip has bothered so bad it hurts thinking about it. By the way pass the cheese to go with my whine please! The inches seem to be going but not the weight. How can I break this plateau? Protein drinks give me diarhea, but milk doesn't....strange huh?
On the brighter side I'm no longer taking blood pressure meds & my blood sugars are ranging from 114-125, dr. looks for me to be all the way off of those meds soon. Never thought I would see the day either of those would happen! Would love to join Curves or something similar but live 30 miles from there & right now no transportation. With the price of gas I couldn't afford anything like that. Enough whining, Everyone have a great weekend! Big hugs...Carolyn

Good Morning GF! Your doing WONDERFUL and yes give it time!!! Try to stay away from too many carbs and remember drink water, water, and more water!!! I think I finally broke the plateau from hell.....6 wkssssssssssss! You also have to remember that you had a set back with your leak....hang in there it will all come in time!
I'll give ya a call this weekend,
Have a great day,
Janet Schmidt
Remember if you are losing inches, it is not a plateau. An official plateau is no weight or inches lost for 4 weeks. The average weight loss for the first month is 15-25 lbs. So you are right on target. When have you ever lost 19 lbs in a month? Maybe you should stay away from the scale. Weigh yourself once a week or once a month. I know that helped me in the beginning. I totally got rid of the scale for the first month or two and only weighed at my mom's or the doctor's office. It also looks like you are eating alot of carbs. I never took protein shakes. Here are some ideas for more protein meals: yogurt (they now have low carb that is pretty good), cottage cheese (lots of protein), cheese, tuna/chicken salad on a slice of tomato instead of toast, refried beans with a little salsa and cheese, grilled fish/chicken, deli meat. Make sure your tea and coffee is decaf...caffiene dehydrates you. And exercise!!! If your leg and hip bother you to walk, is there a pool you can use? Water aerobics is great and easy on the legs and hips.
You are doing great and just remember that is 19 lbs gone forever.
i dont know if this helps, but i havent lost for 2 months. but , i am loosing inches like mad. i think if i were to have a tummy tuck, i would be where i should be. i was told to drink only water or milk. no bread at all. but then i am a year out. do put your scale away. go by how baggie your clothes are. hope this helpsd. do get out and walk in front of your house. that is how i started. i now walk 3-7 miles everyother day. weather permitting.
My biggest suggestion to get off of the plateau is cut out the carbs. Instead of Tuna on toast... have tuna and cheese and eat it with a get more protein and less calories that way. grilled cheese... again, the bread...probably better to have some ham and cheese rolled into rolls and ate plain. Fat free cheese and lean shaved ham rolled up is a great snack (i eat it for breakfast) and FULL of protein. Mac and cheese... well I think i've had it twice in 10 months. The carbs just dont fill you up as quickly as the meat...and i want to stay full and not eat as much. Potato salad is very very high in carbs, although the egg is good. I've made potato salad using califlower instead of potatoes and it's pretty good. I dont eat much of the potato salad though again, because of the carbs. Baked chicken breast YAH! that's a good one! Less fat if you bake in on a rack...or grill it. Cutting out almost all carbs and increasing my water and protein has gotten me off of the little plateaus...of course you will eventually go on a plateau that NOTHING will work but time. Mine was at 8 months, and i was on the plateau for 8 weeks. But now im off of it and losing slowly again. Good luck and definatley get exercising..that will help you too! But remember, at first you will start to gain muscle as you lose fat and you will seem to be on a plateau...but you will be losing inches! Measure yourself, or make sure to notice how your clothing long as your losing SOMETHING be happy! ~~you go girl! ~~Dawn Phillips
Thanks Dawn! Carbs have ALWAYS been a big downfall for me. Ok doing away with those, can live without the bread. Never thought about using cauliflower, yummy. I have some turkey that I rolled with cheese talk about filling. The scale has been put away will stay off that. Like I told my son I'm not gaining so that makes me happy. Ok, chin up I can do this especially from all the support I get from everyone
You look great! Carolyn

Carolyn, Hey there girlfriend. Your doing great, just take one day at a time.It will come.Inches are just as important as pounds. One day you will wake up and the pounds will just be falling off. Try not to let it get you down. We are all here for ya.Good job on the blood pressure pills. Iam off them now too. isnt it wonderful and the blood sugars are good.Do like you said take a walk when you can and gradually you will be walking farther and farther. Keep up the good work and take care. love ya Kel