Calling all Dr. Maher's patients
Hello Everyone. I am starting my wls journey and the doctor that I want is very busy (Dr. DeMaria), but he has a new surgeon on staff and they say his name is Dr. Maher from Iowa. I just wanted to know if any of you Iowa citizens know if your Dr. Maher has transferred to Richmond, Va. f so, I would like to know about your experience, good or bad. Thanks.
I had Maher and I am so sad to see him go!!!! Your hospital is very fortunate to get him.......He sent his patients a letter saying he recieved the Professor of Surgery at The College Of Virginia in Richmond and he will be moivng there very shortly! He is a wonderful surgeon with a great record....He has no deaths or major leak complications.....He is very thourough with testing as well as pre and post-op care. He was the cheif surgeon and the professor and director of GI surgery here.....The university of Iowa Hospital is a very prestigious hospital especially with the bariatric surgery......It was basically all started at the U of I.....I just cannot stress how good of a surgeon I feel he is.....I would use him again for anything in a heart beat......I had my lap rny with him on Dec8th....I started the journey at 293, today I am 5 months out and down 98 pounds. Best of luck Take Care
Jesi.......If you have any more questions feel free to email me I would love to talk with you......There is also a forum for his can read comments about him!

Tina - I've ONLY heard good things about Dr. Maher, and other physicians I see have recommended him. I had surgery in Des Moines three weeks ago (Iowa City is a couple hours away, and the wait list for Maher was very long!)
I wouldn't hesitate to see him at all, especially if it's so hard to get into the other surgeon. I know there is feedback on him on this site if you look under his name in the Iowa surgeons.
The U of I founded bariatric surgery, and has a long history of research and good results. Good luck, and keep us posted on what you decide!
Francie P
Lap RNY 4/27/04