Concerned about amounts
Hi, I'm new to this message board. I attended my first support group meeting in Davenport just last night and was told about this. It is so nice to know that someone close is just like me.
I'm just 6 mos out from surgery. I am always concerned that I'm eating too much. I am having some troubles getting in alot of exercise because of an illness in my family that requires me to sit at the hospital, ok, I just need to be there, not that I'm required. But anyway, I am still losing every week but fear I am eating too much and I will stretch my pouch out. I do eat more than the beginning and depending on the food and the density of it, I am eating different portion sizes every day. Could someone give me an example of maybe what they are eating and the quantity? I am doing atleast one protein shake a day, but when I do track my food to check what amounts of protein I'm getting I fall around 60 grams of protein a day, which I know is acceptable.
Thanks and good luck to all.
It was sure nice meeting you last night KathyJo!!! Tell us how much you eat and then we can see if it is too much......At this stage of the game I am supposed to eat like 4-5oz per meal......with only three meals a day and no snacks......Sometimes I feel like I can and do eat more.....I try really really hard not to snack....I think that will be a fight for the rest of my life
What is the name of the drive-in down there......When I drove by lastnight I thought that would be cool to go to this weekend.....But I want to call them first and get price info and what times and stuff....Thanks and Take Care

First off the 61 Drive In has their own website and I get weekly updates in my e-mail as to what movies are playing, you can sign up from their website, it really comes in handy since we love to take a picnic and go early
It was so nice meeting you too. I'm going to be a regular at that support group. For my first time, I really felt good coming out of it.
As for the eating, I think for the most part I eat 2-3 ounces of meat and some veggies..that is most of my meals...I do make wraps with ham and cheese and usually the protein is never over 3 ounces. I rarely eat carbs. I only met with the dietician once at about 2 weeks before my surgery so I've just been winging it ever since. Thanks for sharing what ounces you are suppose to be eating. That is going to help me alot. I just always have that fear of stretching out my pouch. I can tolerate most foods except anything that is high in fat like hot dogs (which used to be my favs), lunch meats or fried foods so I am making good choices. My snacking usually consists of fruit, I never seem to get that in or maybe cheese.
You don't know how much I appreciate this info.
Oh, when the weather gets warmer the Drive In fills up early (that's why we picnic) and everyone lets the kids run and play. It is always fun!
Thanks again

hi kathy. i used to have tons of relatives in that area. if any are left there would be 5-6 cousins. i am a year out . i can eat A hot bun. 1 serving of yougat. 2 slices of cheese. most meat i bring up. cant eat no breads at all. i do eat surgar free ice cream bars. have to be careful with those, you can get the poopoos with them. scrambled eggs.does this help at all. no soda pop at all.i drink just fruit 2o.
Thanks for your info. I think I'm doing good from what I'm reading which is a big relief, but is always something I need to keep in mind.
Small world huh, I work pretty close to Clinton, I work in DeWitt along with peoples from Clinton. We usually ride out motorcycles through Clinton countless times during the summer. That bridge is way better than the won in Sabula, we make a big loop crossing at DBQ and coming back your way. It will be something new to sit on my bike alot lighter. I can't wait!
Thanks again for the info
Hi Kathy Jo,
Sorry that I did not reply to your post earlier - I was at the hopital with my daughter for some pretty serious tests yesterday.
Anyway, are you the one that Jesi and I talked to as we walked to our cars? I'm sorry that I am not always good with names. Just need to put names and faces together.
In terms of amounts, a friend that had surgery at Trinity says that she was told 1/2 cup of food per meal and she sticks to that. That would go along with Jesi's 4 oz. My dietician said no more than about 4 oz as well. I, too, eat proteins first than try for a little fruit or veggie and stick to very few carbs. I do have 4 reduced fat ritz crackers daily with my breakfast of 2 cheesesticks.
I know what you mean about being concerned about stretching the pouch. I am as well. I have always had definite overeating and poor eating behaviors that I have to change! It is a daily fight! That's why I am seeing a psychologist to help me get control over those issues.
Hope to see you again soon and God bless,
I would be the one you both talked to. I can honestly say being able to talk with you both has been so helpful. I've felt pretty alone since I really don't have any one close that has started the same new life we have.
I'm starting to measure all my food again. I actually don't think I've been eating enough food remarkably. I've done this for 2 days and I'm not eating enough. Thank goodness for protein shakes.
I guess I need to get a pic on here, eeks, now finding one.
Thanks and take care,