Weekly roll call and goals for 5/17/04
Good afternoon all,
How did you do on your goals last week? Did you accomplish them all? How about one or two of them? If you are not setting goals, please jump in and let us know how you are doing.
I walked 2 days and mowed my yard for an hour, so almost accomplished my walking goal. I did stomach crunches 3 days but did not do well on carbs still. They seem to call to me these days!
Goals for this week:
1)walk 2 miles or at least 30 minutes 4 times
2) stomach crunches at least 4 times
3) control those carbs
4) start looking at triggers to behaviors (for the psychologist)
5) call the doc for light headed feelings
That's way too many goals!!! Now, let's hear some of yours!
God bless,
I know what you mean about carbs... (that's why i say crackers are "evil" lol Chicken In the Biscuit especailly!) They call to me too...so i avoid them at all costs. I've been avoiding goal making...so here goes... my first goal is to "MAKE SOME GOALS!"
1) Exercise Exercise Exercise... the 3 times a week thing...I put it off last week! Only got in 2 days.
2) Stay away from carbs!
Whew..that was hard... now comes actually DOING them... ugh.
HI Andrea,
I am going to try this and see if it holds me more accountable for my goals.
1. Exercise every morning before work-either tape/DVD 2-4 miles
2. No snacking especially at night after 8:00pm that is a really difficult time for me for some reason.
3. Eat more protein or eat protein first!!!
4. Continue to drink 120 oz a day of water
5. Walk on my lunch breaks at work 1.5 miles in 20 mins.
I am going to stop there as I could keep going
Hello Hello Hello-----I am so glad you are doing good with your goals!!! I had a bad bad last week......I was at my folks house and I ate constatnly it seemed......My brother is 20 and has junk all around the house.....The stuff I love like burritos and pizza and chips and stuff like that.....So I snacked and snacked and snacked.....I have a horrible headache and feel just bloated.....I gained 1.5 pounds blew my mind!!!! SSSSOOOOO, this week my only goal is to get back on track all together........I am bummed because I was doing so well the weeks before
And with all the snacking I have still not reached century.....I was at 195 and needed to only lose 2 pounds....Now I am 197.5......Bummed but again it is all my fault and at least I am taking responsibility, and know what to do to change and fix it!!!!! Wish me luck

Well, I have found my computer, I was using my parent's computer. I have unpacked 4 boxes, I have been eating 3 times but still need to try to get 5 in. I need to get more walking in though.
My dad just had heart surgery on Friday at Iowa Methodist, had a stint put in, and was out Saturday. So I have been helping out at the farm, mowing and helping dad out so he doesn't over do it.
I'm going to walk 2 blocks tomorrow and try to get 4 more boxes unpacked. It will be a challenge, but I know I can do it.
I have a question for anybody, how soon can we start riding a bicycle, anything different?
Take Care
Lisa Young