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With my first surgery, a VBG (Vertical Banded Gastroplasty) I had staple line disruption. I feel it was my fault...as I forced more food...didn't chew good enough, etc... and vomiting all the time when things got "caught" or "stuck" in my band/ring caused the staple line to disrupt. To this day, after having the revision surgery to the RNY and losing 107 lbs in 10 months (so far!.. still losing!), i disuade anyone from having a banded surgery. You are still very hungry...because the food "trickles" down into the rest of the stomach from the pouch..and you do whatever you can to get food down into the stomach to stop the hunger pains. RNY works so differently because your stomach actually IS full. Maybe the staple line disruption can be blamed on the SURGERY TYPE.. as i feel that banded surgeries are bad. But really i guess it's on every situation. Possibly my first surgeon didn't make my staple line strong enough. I'm just glad that it was disrupted because of where i am now. This is a very good place to be. a new me
well HI THERE cousin!!!!!!!!!
Not sure about everything, as far as your questions, but I think it just wasnt done properly, I am not saying that Eibes is totally at fault, but I suppose one little tiny staple out of place and that could be it?
Hows the approval going to have the surgery again? let us know!!!!!!!!
Judi Detmering