food ideas
My daughter is 4 weeks out and I am 12 days and get to start eating next week, any ideas on what to eat, my daughter is having a heck of a time trying to find different ideas. Can she have crackers yet? I am just excited about chewing food, even if it's only mashed potatoes. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Kathy O.
on 5/15/04 1:05 pm - Forest City, IA
on 5/15/04 1:05 pm - Forest City, IA
Hi Tina,
I am 5 weeks out. Things I was eating weeks 2-4 were: eggbeaters and a little shredded cheese, yes she can have crackers in small bites and chewing well, peas and carrots, oatmeal, non-sugared cereal and milk (cheerioes, Special K), soft cheese, ground beef and taco sauce, mac and cheese. Basically the soft foods that you can chew/dissolve in your mouth. I had crispy bacon at 4 weeks and chewed well - it went fine.
Good luck!
I'll be 4 weeks out on Tuesday. I was craving ham salad & have had that on Ritz crackers & toast, both have gone down good. Had grilled cheese yesterday with no probs. Know what you mean about having something to chew! I thought I was in heaven with tomato juice just because it wasn't clear!!! So far so good, no dumping. Ritz crackers dissolve easily, I bought the bite size with cheese. Hugs...Carolyn
Remember..everyone's dr.s are different ..and only start on foods approved by YOUR physician. First of all... crackers are a NO NO. You dont need the carbs. Have cottage cheese....tuna fish....salmon patties (i would make them in advance and freeze them....they are made with cracker crumbs..but also with eggs and the salmon is high in protein also.) One of my favorites was taking canned ham/turkey/tuna and adding miricle whip light and cheese to it. Then i would eat 1/2 c. for a meal with a fork. No crackers, or i wouldn't have been able to get in all my protein. Another favorite: Take LIGHT or FAT FREE cream cheese ad spread a serving of it on a small plate. Spread with ****tail sauce just to coat it, and add chopped up imitation crab meat on top. Eat with fork... again.. no crackers... crackers are EVIL
. NOTE: I couldn't tolerate the protein shakes and had to get all my protein from my foods. But still, to promote fast weight loss without losing MUSCLE weight, try to stay away from carbs like crackers, pasta, breads, etc. I would have 1 scrambled egg with shaved chopped up ham and shredded 2% lowfat milk cheese in it for breakfast. Also i would take sliced/shaved ham and fat free kraft cheese slices and roll them up and take it to work with me and eat it at my desk if i was tired of the eggs. Hope these ideas help. ~Dawn

Kathy O.
on 5/16/04 1:18 pm - Forest City, IA
on 5/16/04 1:18 pm - Forest City, IA
I really don't think crackers are EVIL. With as little as we can eat, a cracker or two isn't going to make you explode or anything. But like you say....all programs are different and you need to follow your doctor's or dietician's advice. All we can do is tell you what worked for us individually.
Do you have the blue sheet the dietician gave you & Brandy? It lists exactly what we are allowed. If I remember correctly you wil be able to eat cottage cheese, tuna, chicken, yogurt, mashed potatoes, thin oatmeal, peanut butter. Oh, I'm sure there are a few more things on the list but I'm at work right now & can't remember.
Brandy is still on phase 2 also, right? At 6 weeks, I believe she can go to phase 3 if she isn't having problems. I think Dr G's office will want her to call & talk with Angie or Jennifer first. A phone call is usually enough. They told me that I could eat pretty much anything within reason. Obviously stay away from sugars & limit the carbs. Crackers were listed as allowed. If they will disolve in water you can eat them. I imagine that leaves out Triscuits. Remember that they don't want us to snack so if you eat crackers they have to be part of a meal and be sure to eat protein with them. Also beef is hard for most patients, even ground beef at first. Tell her not to get discouraged. I still have trouble with it some at 5 months.
If you can't find the blue sheet, e-mail me & I will copy mine & send it to you.