1 year today
Well, 1 year ago today I was in the hospital in Grinnell, having my surgery. Waking up in pain and misery, wondering what the heck I had just done to myself, and would it all be worth it, and would I ever be normal again and would the pain ever stop? lol
Fast forward 6 months. I couldnt even imagine NOT having done the surgery, it felt so good to only eat a little bit, have so much more energy and be able to do all kinds of things with my family and friends that I hadnt ever been able to do!
Now its a year past. Things have changed. My body has changed. I have slowed up on losing the last few months. Unfortunately I have found out that I can eat the naughty things I always loved before my surgery and I can get away with it. But I wont lose and I wont change my life that way. I need to wake up tomorrow, and REALIZE the wonderful gift I have been given by having this surgery. Realize that I did this to myself so that I would be a better person that I would be a better mother to my son, and that I can eat the good foods I know I should, drink the water that I so desperately need, and do the exercise and walking that I need to do as well.
My depression has come back a bit, with the realization of it being 1 year, and I am not near goal yet, My goal was 200 lbs to be gone in one year. I have lost about 150. Which is wonderful I know, but I hate to not do what I think I should be able to. My school has been very very hard and I dont know for sure if I am going to pass one of the classes, work has gotten so stressful I cant even believe it, and I was going to move into another house and it sold 2 days ago, so no more moving into a bigger house for me, at least for now.
So, my obesity help friends, please just send some good thoughts my way, think a nice little thought for me, you dont have to pray or any of that, but just hope the best for me that I can wake up tomorrow and do what I know is right.
Thanks to all of you for sticking by me thru this last year of my life. I love ya all.

Tick me off because I just had an awesome response to your post and my puter kicked me offline! So, here's some of it in a nutshell.........................
Hope you don't mind prayers, cuz I said one for ya' anyway. Remember that you are successful! 150 pounds is a wonderful loss! You have been so busy with being a mother, work and school, that you have not had time for you. Take the time now. School is out, so focus on you for a little bit. YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL!!! YOU HAVE DONE A WONDERFUL JOB!!! Keep it up!
God bless,
Hi Judi!
First of all CONGRATS on your year anniversary. You have done an awesome job on your weight loss
Sometimes life gets in the way of our personal goals. I'm so happy for the weight loss you have had AND you have almost made your goal. You've had a lot going on in your life & I think it's wonderful you've been able to accomplish the weight loss that you have so far. Keep up the good work!!! You look wonderful. Big hugs...Carolyn

I will echo eveyone else......150 pounds in a year is amazing and you should be soooo proud!!!!! My weightloss is slowing down right now too, and it is hard not to get depressed, so I know what you mean, but it is getting nice out....Take that boy of yours to the park or on walks.....getting out for a little exercise and fresh air does help.......When we lived in a small house I wanted a bigger one too......Now that we have a big one, I want the small one back....lol.....Now there is more to clean and more money to heat it, more money to cool it down......it seems like we can never be happy with what we have.......Everything happens for a reason.....maybe an even better house will come along in a couple months.......I hope you start to feel better.....150 pounds is amazing and you are doing wonderful, an inspiration to all of us!!!! Take Care

Wow, you've done so good.
I have the same problems, my depressions has come back big time. But I get on here, and read and respond to some, and I start feeling better, but to me, it never goes away. I want you know that I am sending you my prayers. I know this surgery was going to be rough, but I had to do it for my own health. I try not to listen to those people that put me down for doing it. I just walk away. Or at least I try to.
I didn't mean to add my own problems here. I am not sure what to say. I try to encourage people, but sometimes I'm not sure what to say, so I do apologize if I'm not saying something right.
I had my surgery in Grinnell December 22, 2003, with Dr. Eibes. Who did you have it with? I hear they have hired a new surgeon. Dr. Kamode or something like that.
Gotta go and try to get some walking in.
Take Care
Lisa Young