Surgery next Wed.
Wow!!! I have my surgery next week. 

This weekend will fly by...thank goodness. The last couple of weeks have gone by sooooooo Slow.
My husband and I have a date day Sat. We are going to a movie and dinner and then shopping for things for the hosp. and food for the kids at home. My mom is staying here for a week to help out and then my in-laws are helping with the kids for a few weeks after. They are newly retired. They have all been such a huge support for me and my family.
The house is I just have to keep it clean.
That is the hard part with little ones running around all the time.
I feel ready...(or as ready as I think one can be )emotionally,physically and spiritually. I am really in a "good place" with all of this. I am excited to start on the losing side.
On the WLS Journey,

Wow, Tammy, your surgery day is just around the corner. Good luck with keeping your house clean! My would be trashed again this weekend!!!LOL
Remember, don't buy too much food for yourself for after surgery. I was silly and bought boxes and boxes of sugar free jello and cans of chicken broth thinking that I was going to need it all! I still have jello in the cupboard!!!
Hang in there and try not to go nuts while you wait!
God bless,