Items for at home after surgery and at hospital?
Alicia, First, welcome to the board! next, at the hospital you won't need much. Chapstick, a small pillow (for holding on incision when moving or coughing if having open)and I wore in something comfortable that I wore home also so the only clothes I needed were clean socks and underwear. I also took a phone card, but all my family lives outside of DM area. I guess I also had a comfortable pair os slip-on slippers or shoes for all that walking in the halls. At home, are you asking about food items or other "comfort" things? Let me know and I will work on a list. Elizabeth
I am really anal and took my own shampoo and soap to the hospital....We are required to shower every morning at our hospital, and it was so refreshing......And having my own stuff was so much better than the little bottles of yucky shampoo.....also take your toothbrush and paste...brushing my teeth was also very refreshing especially when I couldn't drink! I also took chapstick and magazines.....I love reading and read on all the latest in the trendy mags....It was kinda fun!!! I didn't take any clothes, I wore in something really comfy that I would wear out....but I did take slippers for all the walking! Yu will need when you get home what your surgeon orders........My after care consitsted of almost 8 weeks of liquid/soft foods.....But don't stock up on tons and tons of broth and jello (sf of course) because with your new pouch and tummy you won't be eating more than an ounce or two at a time.....Take Care and best of luck