No Place Like Home!!!
There is no place like home! I got home yesterday. My surgery on Tuesday went fine and felt great until Wed. night.... Too much company (why do people come see you in the hospital and then stay forever!!! And then they think you should look thinner than the day before when they saw you????)
Then they took the IV pain killer away, and the left sholder gas thing was going on!!!!!
I did not want to walk but thanks to Tina who I meet, she came by and talked me into the walks.
She was very sick after her surgery and I felt so bad for her.
I slept like a baby after getting home on Thursday.
On Friday I took a shower and I feel soooooo much better.
Is hard to get in all of my liquids, I'm used to gulping!!! won't be doing that again! owww
Thanks for all of your prayers! They work!
Welcome to the losing side! I agree 100% there is no place like home. Especially when those gas pain**** and you need to get rid of them, you want to try to be lady-like at the hospital! LOL I haven't met Tina in person, but she was my Angel for my surgery and she is AWESOME!!! Jut keep plugging away at those liquids, it does get easier. Keep us posted! Elizabeth
Welcome to the losing side. I met you at Dr. G's last S/G meeting and you were going in the next day... It will get better. Keep walking and drink as much as you can. I used the chewable gas drops and they helped also. You might try room temp water or even warm water if cold bothers your pouch. I still like it cold, but the warm or tepid goes down much easier. Keep in touch and holler if you have questions. Maybe we'll see you at the next s/g. I'm only a couple weeks ahead of you...