OMG! Time alone??? No Way! LOL
I finally have a couple of hours to myself! Will wonders never cease?! So of course, guess where the first place I headed was?? (My name is Elizabeth and I am a addict.)
Update on Mom, doing well now, had another "tap" yesterday and removed over a liter of fluid. almost immediately she was doing better and is even better yet today. Hopefully she will finally be on top of this.
Took my 6 month old puppy to the vet to be fixed today, I almost cried when I left.
He is my other baby. His "big sister" has been pouting all day cause he isn't here.
I had to delay my surgeon appt. until next Tues. so I don't have an official weight right now, but I FEEL like I should have lost quite a bit running my butt off!
Lynda, thanks for the card, it really made my day! Just what I needed!
Tina, glad to see you are home, hope you are doing good and get some energy back soon.
Tammy, congrats on the graduation and love the new pic! Doesn't even look like th same person!
Dawn, I knew you could beat that plateau! Now we will all be eating your dust as you race to goal!
Andrea, we really pay for carbocide, but it tastes so good at the time. Why can't they taste bad??? It would be so much easier!
Sue O., where are you????
getting worried....
Ok, who am I forgetting??? Speak up and let me know. I am on brain overload lately and can't remember half of what I am supposed to!
Welcome to all the newbies! This is the best place for info, besides your Dr., that is
Hope everyone is doing well, I think I am going to go take a nice hot
now with the rest of my free alone time.

Hi Elizabeth...
glad you got to have some time to yourself! You TOTALLY deserve it.
I admire you for all of what you are doing for your mother!
OF course, I am in finals week at college, trying to pack to move to a bigger house, working, and etc etc. so I know most ppl think I am crazy too!
thats alright, let em think I am nuts! LOL
anyhow, just wanted to say Hey and take care of yourself first !

Thanks all of you for your thoughts and prayers. I will work on a new pic, but I don't see the difference. I have my "official" weigh in tomorrow, but I would guess I am somewhere around 85 lbs lost. I don't know why I am a slow loser, but as long as I keep losing, that is all I care about. Thanks again for all the support, it really helps knowing someone is out there thinking of me. (((HUGS))) Elizabeth