Good Friday Morning!
Hi all...Thought I would start a new trend here and post on Friday mornings to find out how everyones week has gone! Once again it has been a very busy week around here....with farming well under way we are almost done with planting
. Kids are keeping me busy with all their end of yr. school events!
The wieght is still coming off but slowlyyyyyyyyyyyy! I find myself hungry more that means that I am eating more often UGH! I need to get back on track with healthy eating and exercise...I MUST!
Am looking forward to going to garage sales tommorrow and a quiet day on Sunday!!!
Happy Mothers Day to all, have a great weekend,
Janet Schmidt

HI Janet,
We're done planting, as of yesterday, except for 20 acres of hay that will be plowed up & planted to corn after the first cutting later this month. It's nice to have that behind us & now wait for Mother Nature to do her thing.
I finally got up the nerve to try the lactose treated milk this week and it didn't make me sick. I also tried our cow's milk with the Lactaid and that was digested ok also. That means I can stop buying soy milk! Don't get me wrong, the soy was great to start out on & it made it so I could get my protein but it really bugged me to buy milk when my husband & son spend so much time milking those darn cows. I'll continue using the soy supplement to add soy to my shakes. If anyone has problems with drinking protein shakes, try the soy protein instead. That's what did it for me. The soy protein is really tasteless & has only a tiny vanilla fragrance.
We are attending the funeral this morning of my husband's 46 yr old cousin. Nineteen years ago he wa**** by a drunk driver while running a jack hammer breaking up a driveway. The car clipped his head and caused serious brain damage. Tim has been virtually in a coma ever since. He had excellent care but this week pneumonia finally ended his life. People who drink & drive make me so angry! He was a great guy with so much to live for.
Good Morning Dixie...First of all let me say that Iam sooooooo sry to hear of your hubbys cousins death, and let me tell ya ppl who drink and drive make me very angry also!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Great news with the milk issue, I still haven't given it a 2nd chance after getting sick with it the first time. Also with the planting...isnt it a good feeling to have that done with for now and so early too!!! Its been nice knowing that the farmers aren't so rushed this yr with getting the planting done!
Have a great weekend,
Janet Schmidt