Update: Home from 4/27 surgery!
Hi. I had my RNY last Tuesday, and they were able to do it lap. Yeah! Everything went fine, no problems so far. (Other than trying to get IVs in me, but that always happens....now I know about having a PIC line, which they did after surgery, but I'll request it for any future surgeries I have!)
Anyway, I was in ICU until Wed evening. Those nurses in ICU are wonderful. I got great care, and hated to move to a "regular" room after all that personal help and pampering. I was released late Friday afternoon. Have been taking it easy this weekend, but was proud that yesterday I got more than 70 oz of water in! I know it will get harder when I'm on soft proteins, but for now, I'm trying really hard to keep the water up, and walk, walk, walk.
In fact, yesterday, I did my "walking" in Younkers at Valley West Mall. My mom and sister were going there for a few things, so I tagged along. Heck, I can walk on my street, or in the store, right? I'd sit/rest while they tried on clothes. It was good to get out. It didn't even wear me out, but then, I'm a shopper -- fat or thin!
Have my barium swallow test Wed morning, so I'm hoping that I'll get this JP tube taken out on Thursday. Then, I just have the G tube to deal with.
THANK you to all of you for your supportive messages, thoughts, prayers. And a special thanks to Krista Ault and Stephanie Howard for visiting in the hospital!
Francie P
I am so glad that you are doing so well. I have really been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. Sounds like you are doing GREAT!!!! It will be nice when you can start on those soft proteins. Keep up the good work and if you need anything please let me know. I am there for you.
Take care and keep me posted on how you are doing.