Carolyn, You are such a sweetheart. I was so happy to finally meet you last week. You have such a great attitude. Will never forget you. #5 lol
Kinda neat we were in the same room there for a while anyway. I really want to get to know you better. So anytime you wanna talk or email you just let me know or we could get each others #'s from Janet. Isn't she great? We just love her. Well, keep up the great healing and your right the weight will come off sooner or later. Hope to hear from you soon. All my love and hugs!
Hi Laura!
Ahhhhhh you're making me blush girl
Yes, we need to get together was going to call Janet later today about this. Have lost 18 lbs. now, slow coming off but keep telling myself I didn't gain this overnight so not going to lose it over night....Janet is beyond words, she is great
but so are you!
Love & Hugs, Carolyn