This may be a little disgusting, but I have a question. Last night when I went to the restroom, I had blood in my urine, and not just a little either. I immediately went to the ER, to see what in the heck was wrong. Since there is no pain associated with this at all, the doctor basically ruled out kidney and gall stones. He said it might just be an infection/bacteria, which he thinks it is, or it could be as bad as a tumor etc. Has anyone else experienced this type of problem?
I had the same thing happen many years ago. No infection, no stones. I ended up having a kidney biopsy that showed non-specific changes. That really helped. Short story, I think it was due to anti-inflammatories, namely a drug called Zomax, that was eventually taken off the market. Had the same thing happen when I was taking presciption Motrin. No anti-inflammitories for me. Be very careful if anyone suggests a renal biopsy. I bled afterward, and eventually ended up losing that kidney because of an aneurysm. No one would say for sure, but seemed pretty suspicious to me that the biopsy probably caused it.
Make sure your docs follow up on this. Kidneys just don't bleed for no reason.
Good luck!