AmyLynn - how are you?
Thanks for asking. I am doing quite a bit better. I am still having some pain but I am able to control it. I am getting back into the swing of things so to say. I am really only using the meds at night to help me sleep or like last night when we were out and I started to hurt and I didn't want to ruin a good night out when we finally had a babysitter and I got away from my hellions
As Judi said I had the honor of seeing her last night. She looks fabulous by the way!
I am down to taking a half a muscle relaxer once in a while to help. The gyno is saying that I just have to give it time. I am actually feeling better every day. I have some percocet left and I am using them sparingly. I have a very adictive personality so that is why they hate to get me started on pain meds. I go back again on tuesday and we will see what they say. Thanks again for caring enough to ask. AmyLynn

Glad to hear that things are better for you! I wish that I could remember what everyone here is going through so I could be encouraging for everyone. Bad memory don't ya know! What is it they call that - a senior moment (and not yet even in my 40's)! Judi says you look great - keep up the good work!