Question ... while you were watching the barium empty from your tiny tummy to the intestine - how long did it actually take to move from one area to the next?
I read here on the board that liquids go through like a sink drain - in and out. Is that so?
Any idea on how long FOOD takes to go through?
I'd REALLY like to know!
i am not judi but when i watched it when i was in the hospital (i had to drink that once a week) since i had leaks and had to stay in the hospital for 22 days i got to watch everytime. mine went straight threw. it was fun to watch the liquid go threw. the dr in charge of the ex-ray dept. would let me watch as i was drinking it and he would point things out to me and what they were looking for and what was a good thing or bad thing........lynda
So do you know how fast the food moves through? I'm glad to hear that liquids DO move straight through - as a FACT. No real reason except I do NOT want to stretch my tummy unecessarily.
One other question I have always had was how much of the calories we eat are NOT absorbed by our bodies because of the by-passing? I was only bypassed (sigh!) 75 cm - but it seems like every single calorie I eat hinders my weight loss just like it did BEFORE surgery.
I just would like to know ... if I eat 100 calories are 95 of them still being utilized and 5 not? or ?????
hey allee
well, as far as going down my esophagus into my tiny tummy, it went pretty fast. I watched that in less then 30 seconds. it got to my intestine and then it stopped for a while. then I had to walk and walk and drink some water, then it went thru most of my intestine (the bunchy stuff) in about 30 mins. then it stopped. but that was because of my stool being so backed up. It took forever to get thru the bowels because of that. and just because I have not been drinking my water!!!!!!! YIKES!
as far as absorption. well, thats different for everyone, and everything you eat/drink. some stuff I drink goes right thru me. some stuff gets stuck you know the routine. you know how some things you eat one day makes you sick, the next day you can eat it just fine!
Honestly you cant say what will absorb. never can, and never will. sorry.
hope that helps a little bit. I was just so happy to see my little tummy and that nothing leaked out. yah for that