need prayers again for Mom
Hi all, sorry I haven't posted lately, but Ihave been reading late at night or very early in the morning. I wanted to ask for prayers again for my Mom. She is back in the hospital with CHF (congestive heart failure) and bi-lateral pleurisy. Basically she is full of fluids and they aren't coming off like they should with diuretics. They may need to do a needle aspiration (removal) this afternoon to help her along. The good thing is that she got help before she got too seriously in trouble and that now she is where they can help her and keep her on machines so she can relax a little and hopefully get some sleep. I think she was so worried that she wasn't sleeping well.
A quick run down of the postings I remember off the top of my head: good news about Carolyn!
Judi, I always suspected you were full of it!
Dawn, yahoo IM is redstormy2003 and I think MSN is [email protected]
Lynda, thanks for all the support you have been sending, I have just been too tired to get back to you and to Sue O. I promise things have to settle down soon!
Deb P. I just might be able to get together with you soon after all! I will let you know in a day or so after things get taken care of. I expect her to be in IMMC for at least 4-5 days.
OK, That is all my brain can remember for right now. I am sorry if I missed anyone. Thanks in advance for the prayers!