This Week for me
Ok... first of all... Tuesday heading home, in the rain, my tire blew completely to pieces as I was driving down the highway, in the rain on my way home from school. yikes. I did call around, finally got some guys to come out and change it for me, 25 bucks for that.
Yesterday, well, I had been having some pain in my tummy, some muscle spasms, and I was hurting and upset, so I had called the doc last week, and got an appt for yesterday, so I headed down for the 2 1/2 hour drive which is always fun, but I had been up since 2 am, because I was so worried and couldnt sleep.
So, anyhow, the drive there is OK. I get there just in time. Guess I should have left a little sooner. Then I go in to my appt, and the doc is tied up at the hospital. Great. So I doze off in the chair, with my head on his little desk, how sad is that. About 45 mins later he finally comes in, and I tell him about my pains and being constipated, but I am more worried about these muscle cramps in the top part of my stomach, right where my new tummy is. So, first he wants to send me back home and come back and do a test at the hospital, I remind him how far my drive is, and they call the hospital. would 2 hours from now work? Sure, I already hadnt eaten since last night, cuz I knew that they were probably going to do a test like this, but sure I can wait 2 more hours.
I find the local walmart (what a dump, lol) and walk around there for an hour or so. bought a pair of jeans cut offs... size 18, go ME~! so then I head back to the hospital, and check in early.
They send me upstairs, do you think your pregnant, well, I have been off the shot just a month or two, and I guess there is a slim miniscule possibility so I have to go back downstairs in my night gown and robe and get some blood taken. and head back upstairs to wait 20 mins to find out. not preg, not a big surprise.
then they do an xray before having me drink the barium. I explain to the lady that I am a nursing student and would like to see it. so she lets me, and you can see all the stool in there. fun fun. So, the doc comes in and lets me watch myself drink the barium and guess what NO LEAKS!!!!!!! whooohoooo! it goes right into the new stomach and starts into the intestine. There it stops. and sits. so I walk around for an hour, do some more xrays, not moving much just thru the intestines, but not into the bowel. so I walk some more, drinking some water. more xrays, nothing happening. more barium oh fun. not moving. then we walk around some more. more xrays.
then she finally gives me some type of acid that goes straight to my bowels. oh ya, it moves then. cramping like crazy. finally after walking around and everything it has moved to where it needs to go. you can see that stool is backed up so far its almost into my stomach. yuck. so now I am on milk of mag every few hours today, trying to get that stuff out. no fun.
so thats my story this week. oh ya so great.
anyhow, I am trying to get cleaned out tonight. I have to work, but I am dead tired and full of *sstuff* but I still need the money. great.
well, somebody send some good thoughts my way. ok!
worst part is, I have gained back like 5 lbs cuz I am filled up! ew ew ew ew!

I too go over two hours to see my surgeon! I like tho because it is Iowa City and I like going to Coral Ridge mall!!! We are gonna be in Charles City Sunday and we will stay until the following Saturday.....Hubby is way busy at work and I hate being home alone all day and most of the evening.....I am a wuss!!! So let me know if anytime we can get together.....I can even come to Osage and we can take the kids to the park or something!!! When is your Mason city support group??? That would be awesome if I could go!!! I will email you privately with my folks number and my cell phone.....I hope we can meet.....and I hope next week is better for you than this one was!!!! Take Care

well, my main problem, and I will be the first to admit it , is that I have not been drinking any water. like none at all hardly. I am under so much horrible stress with classes and work and this little tiny house I am in, that I have been drinking my diet dew like it is literally a drug and I am an addict. I am not proud of this, but it is simply the way I am. I dont drink alcohol hardly at all, I dont smoke, I dont gamble, I dont do hardly any of the unhealthy things I shouldnt. but my soda has been a vice for me I guess.
crazy I know
so the milk of mag has helped some, dang I had no idea the cramping you could have from that stuff! I am going to take a little more tonight to try and get cleand out. then tomorrow I am going out and I am getting my new tattoo to celebrate my fabulous weight loss and my new body and am going to be with good friends and I am going to have a good time. (right amy lynn!)
well, thanks again for all the good thoughts sent my way. I made it thru the night at work, only ended up on the floor once from the cramps for about 10 mins. worst part was, I was still cracking jokes, even with the pain! figure that out! lol
well, hugs to you all that thought of me

I'm thinking of you now, Judi! Didn't get to read posts yesterday and was only on briefly Tuesday and Wednesday because I had the flu. Boy, I could have given you a bit of that virus and it would have cleaned everything out! LOL
I, too, struggle with constipation - even if I drink all of my water. My doc said to use MOM or colace but I have also tried some generic softener from Wal=Mart. It seems to work, although, sometimes I have to take it or the M.O.M. a couple of days in a row to feel really "cleansed". Believe me, I'm sure that your 5 pounds can all be attributed to your prob. I make sure that I take some of that yummy, chalky, lovely tasting M.O.M. at least two days before a doctor's appointment or going in to weigh at the center (the scale that I call "official")! I don't need any extra "Poo" weighing me down!!!
What can we say, Judi, some of us are just "full of it"
Hope your weekend is better!
God bless,
P.S. You never told us how your test was. Hope you don't stress too much over exams!