Moving right along!
Well...had my initial appointment with the psyc doc yesterday (have to go back next week for the personality test). That was pretty painless...Dr. Straight is a very down-to-earth person and easy to talk with. He explained a lot to me about WHY I had to have the psyc eval.
I had the meeting with the nurse at Mercy Capitol this morning and set up appointments with the Dietician and the "big initial consult" with the surgeon for May 4th. Yippeeeee!
I'm praying my insurance information goes through quickly and that BCBS will be kind. That of course will all depend on my PCP, and how quicly I can get in for the sleep study (and I also pray I don't have Apnea....I don't want to wait any longer than I already have to!!!!)
TAG! Ya'all are it!
Olley olley oxen freeeeeee!

i personally loved the personality test. not really all they could say to me on that topic is i am very unquie. what ever that means... my test didnt tell them anything about me. but i new that when i took it. Just think one more done, just smile and do what they want. and then fight like heck to get what you want...... good luck.......lynda