Come out come out wherever you are!
Our board is getting slow again......Where is everyone and what is everyone up too?? Looks like some of you had some bad weather last night.....Hope all is well......Do you have any plans for the weekend yet?? My hubby is way busy at work so me and the kids are gonna go Sunday and spend the week at my folks house......The kids love it there....I love it there.....Then hubby can work late and not feel guilty about us sitting home......Hope all is well with everyone.......Judi let me know if next week we can get together sometime......Take Care

I'm here - still recouperating from that dreaded stomach flu! For someone that doesn't normally
on my own, I certainly did have some dry heaves with this flu. YUKKKKK. Going to miss seeing you tonight at support group. Don't know yet if I am going or not. I still don't feel great. One thing is for sure - I won't be going to the hospital to be with my mother-in-law. My sister-in-law so eloquently told Mark that I am "not to be there" because of the flu. That's OK, I wouldn't have exposed her anyway - didn't have plans on going once I got sick.
We didn't blow away last night, thank goodness. No plans for the weekend yet. Just wanting to get better.
Talk to you soon,

Hello Jesi,
we just had alot of rain last night the sirens did go off a tornado touched down in Delmer wich is a half hour from here. we are leaving friday to go to Indiana for the weekend to see my inlaws it will be fun. going to miss you at the meeting tonight I want to get up there and see you sometime in may. hope you have a good weekend take care.
We have the twins' 2nd b-day party this is coming up to stay...we're cleaning like mad and trying to get everythng ready. We have 15 kids coming...all 3 and I crazy or what. We're having the party at my we'll either play outside on the playground or in the gym..then to the art room for our craft, then to the cafeteria for lunch!!! Woohoo Remember these are my first kids, so I have to try it before I promise to "never do that again". Hope everything's well...Judi..I'm getting my ticket for adventureland from a friend from our church..their school is going, so I'm getting the $18 rate too. Thanks for doing this.
Peace, Deb
Hi Jesi:
Been a busy week. But the weekend looks like fun, I'm going
to a women's retreat at Camp Shalom this weekend. I bet I'll
freeze my patoodee(sp?) off. I expect it to be a challenge to
deal with food issues while there, I'm still kind of a newbee in
learning the ropes.
Have a great day,
Jesi, when ya coming up this way, it seems like you always come on the weekends I work! lol. email me privately if you like. do you have chat? yahoo, msn, aol? any of them. even if you dont have aol for your main internet provider, you can still have AIM for free on your computer?
deb, I have tried to email you about getting together, got back 2 emails that your mail box was too busy. sent another one today, dont think it has come back yet. so email me!
as far as the a-land tickets, so far only laurie has emailed me, so if I dont get any more interest, well, I guess it would just be her tickets and mine. I need to know for sure by this monday or tuesday, and have the money too probably. otherwise, I guess we can all just wait and maybe if we have enough of us going, we can just get a group discount the day we go?
anyhow. I am here. I am going to post what has been going on I promise!!!!!!! I have a few errands to run, then I will. but I feel like crud, thats all I can say for honest!
later all