ARRGH! Surgery moved up!
I was all set for May 13th. Had all the plans made, work scheduled figured out, etc. Then the doctor's office called and said they moved me up 2 days to May 11th! Now I'm 2 days more nervous. Today I saw a friend who had it done Dec. 16. She is down 90 pounds as of yesterday! She looks great! Absolutely no problems of any sort post-op. She has given me courage along with all of you. I CAN DO THIS! And 2 days sooner! This too shall work out. Everything happens for a reason, right?
OT-I went to Ames to get my haircut after work. There was a tornado warning for southern Polk Co. I called my hubby and he said he and the 14 yr old collie were on the way to the basement. I guess Casey (dog) took one tour around the basement and decided enough was enough. She headed back up the stairs. Roger decided at 14, she could decide if she wanted to blow away or not! Anyway, no bad stuff happened except for 1.3" of rain on our almost shingleless roof. ARGHHHH! No leaks yet.
Hi Lyn:
Sorry to hear about your shingles and the storm. We lucked out
here in Davenport, just some rain. At least your family was alright.
Congratulation on your surgery date move, it will be all the sooner
that you'll start on your journey. Maybe it will mean that you can
skip 2 extra days of being nervous about it. I remember how
stressed I was during my pre surgery wait. I'm so glad I'm on the
backside of the surgery. I can't wait to welcome you to this side of
the fence too.
Keep us posted,