Had all my appts today. Nervous.
Okay, I had the x-rays, lab, pulmonary function, EKG, appointments with the surgeon, dietician, and physical therapist. I have to tell you, the dietician more than a little freaked me out. How will I be able to sip, sip, sip, and get in all the protein??? If it's suppose to take 5-15 mins to sip 1 oz, and you're suppose to sip 64 oz, that's a minimum of 5.4 hours just to drink the water. CAN I DO THIS????
Okay, I know the answer. I can do this. For some reason, today it just really freaked me out. Anyone else have these doubts when it started getting close? Am I normal? Then I start to second quess myself. Why can't I just go on a diet and lose. But I know that I may lose but I sure as heck can't keep it off. If it were that easy, I'd weight 115#! I need reassurance that I can do this and it won't always be quite as bad as the first few months.
PS we had over $500 damage to our roof from the wind yesterday.

You are almost a YEAR behind me - so please believe me when I say you are experiencing the same exact emotions and fears we all had. AND ... I will tell you in a year you will look back on it and you'll say ... it worked out and I'm SO GLAD I DID THIS!!!
I'm not a doctor and I don't play one one TV - I do have a son in law that is ALMOST a nurse ... but that doesn't count for anything! *LOL* But I will say I worried and fussed and fretted. But when it all came down to the bottom line ...
Just do the best you can. You will feel like you will never be able to drink a full drink again! I can now drink 20 ounce bottle of water in about that many minutes with no problem.
Your tiny tummy will be healing for several months - so just keep that in mind that you want to let it heal as much as possible - but just do what you can. If you can't eat all your protein - don't worry. Just keep doing what you can and it will get easier - and easier and easier!!!
And each month that goes buy you will just marvel at how WONDERFUL it is to be full with a small portion! And you will eventually get to where you can sit and eat and your tiny portion won't be the focus of everyone at the table. I can eat about a cup at a time now - and people don't act like you're such a freak. I usually buy a full meal if we go out - unless it is EASY to order just a side - like a cheese & onion enchilada instead of the whole meal. But I have an 18 year old ... always hungry son *****lishes my left overs!
BOTTOM LINE LYN ... take a deep breath, pray for Jesus to protect you and walk with you through the next several months and you will be so much healthier.
I'm down 117 pounds ... well I was until this a.m. - now it's about 114 pounds ... mother nature is about to have her monthly way with me. I'm not freaking out because this happens every month!!
Hi Lyn!
There really isn't much I can add to what Allee posted to you...she said it all very well!
You are going to do great! You won't always have to sip...and you won't be able to get all of your water and protein in right away, that will come in time; just do the best that you can, and you will do fantabulous!
I'm really sorry to hear about the damage from the wind yesterday...that really sucks!
The wind was pretty bad here yesterday, too...(Fairbank) We had damage to our four-plex, too...for once, I'm glad we are not homeowners yet.
Just think, after all the testing and meetings you got over with today, you are so much closer to your healthier and happier self! I am so happy for you!
TRY not to feel too over-whelmed (easy to say, I know)...we are all here for you whenever you need us!
Take care, Sweetie!
Open RNY 02/04/04 (Proximal-75 cm)