I had an ablation 2 weeks ago tomorrow to stop my year long period. Yes folks I said YEAR long period. The doctor had to use a roller barr to do it because they thought from the ultrasound that I had a seperated uterus. Well I am still having discharge heavy enough to be likened to a period. I am also having quite a bit of pain still. I did have a tubal at the same time. When I asked the doctor today I was told "well you have a very unhappy uterus right now and it is to be expected". I am out of pain meds and he will not give me any more saying that tylenol should be all I need now. I am sitting here in tears right now because the cramping is so bad. It wasn't this bad when I talked to him earlier. After the surgery I did have a few complications, I had an infection causing a fever of 104 that required antibiotics and also air/gas in the peritoneal cavity, which is something that they can't do anything for except give you pain meds and wait for the body to absorb the air/gas. Since it is after hours I don't know what to do. My hubby is working until after 7, so going to the ER is not an option for me right now. Any ideas on what I can do here at home until I can get some help here?
AmyLynn LAP RNY 08-05-03 248/178/150???
FIRST OFF I AM NOT A DR so this is only a suggestion, maybe taking the Tylenol and try lying down with a heating pad in a quiet room until your husband gets home. If you do have a fever though or bleeding more than what your dr says is normal you should seek medical attention immediately!!!!! Ask a neighbor or call another relative if you can. Don't mess with this. Hope you feel better soon.
I don't really have any advice, since I am coming onto this so late, but I hope that you are feeling better, and if not, get yourself to the E.R., OK? There is no excuse for your doctor leaving you in so much pain!
Update us and let us know how you are doing, OK?
Open RNY 02/04/04 (Proximal-75 cm)