4/19 Goals/roll call - Who's out there today??
Good morning everyone,
What are your goals for this week? How did you do toward your goals from last week? What's new for you? Besides goals today, let's try to list at least one thing for which we are proud of ourselves. (I know that I can use that self-esteem boost today!)
Last week, my main goal was to stop snacking. Well, saw the psychologist on Thursday and she said that absolutely no snacking is UNREALISTIC and that I should not feel guilty about it. Since then, I have not snacked the past two evenings - YEAH!!!
Goals this week:
1) If I need an evening snack, keep control and not feel guilty about it!
2) Not cry at all over my very badly thinning hair
3) Walk four days instead of just three this week.
4) Do tummy crunches at least three days this week.
Now the hard part - something that I am proud of - the lifestyle changes that I have made, especially the walking 2 miles three days a week.
Now, let's hear from you!!
God's bessings to you all,

My goal this week is to hit the century mark. It might be hard though as I still have 4 to go but I'll try. My second goal is to exercise more. I have been struggling with lots of pain in my right knee for the last 2 weeks & have had to limit my walking to just what is necessary. I miss my walking. I am seeing an orthopedist this Thursday, hopefuly for a cortisone shot so I may be back walking soon. Until then I plan to hit the gym & at least do some weight training. Lastly, I'm thinking of trying to get all my protein in before I leave for work in the afternoon. That way I won't feel like I have to eat something at Midnight.
Hello Andrea
I did ok last week besides of doing those situps I can never get myself to get down and do them,lol my goals this week are
1 situps
2 no snacking
3 keep walking
4try to lose another pound
well those are my goals keep up the good work Andrea you are doing great everytime I see you ,your getting thinner.
hugs Lauie
Good Morning!!!
I actually did okay with my goals last time.....Well the snacking went well...I didn't exercise enough
New goals......Continue to eat as supposed to!
Go to the Y at least three times
Help hubby....he needs to eat better/less!
That is it.....I think I can do them!!!! Now something I like about myself....I feel good about life.....My self esteem/worth has really risen...I feel good about being me, mom, housewife, housekeeper.....I am not needing to make myself feel better by racking up credit cards or stuffing my face....I feel happy and content in my life.....I haven't felt this way in a long time.....I feel good about the kind of wife and mother I am....before I was always so down and depressed.....Now I am happy and it is good for the family!
Good luck to everyone on their goals....Take Care

My goals this week is staying positive and telling people what i think instead of letting it eat at me.
my goals last week i did ok on except the one you all wanted me to keep. i didnt go on my date. my son was suppose to go to the zoo and i was suppose to take him but at the last minute my son decided to go to his dads. i could of called the guy and said i could go out again but i decided to just stay home. so i guess i did chicken out......
i do feel good about myself. just a little down today but i am happy with me for the first time in my life. i am at the weight i was before i had my son. so that was over 11 yrs. i am down 74 lbs so i am happy with that. i do need to work out sad to say this since you all work out so much. i have lost the weight with out doing anything what so ever... i am thinking if i really worked out like you guys i could have lost more. well kids should be home soon. so i need to make snacks for them. talk to you all later.....
goals?? oh boy ! lol
1. get on that dang elliptical I spent so much money on.
2. get the desk out of the living room so I have ENOUGH ROOM To get on that dang elliptical!
3. walk!
4. cut back on snacking
5. drink less soda
6. more water
ya I got a lot of goals, LOL
oh ya, study study study, finals are coming up soon!
I will post another thing on a few things I am going thru right now as well, but for now these are my goals

GOALS !????? Well to walk some more, try to have the nerve to eat something other than cheese, cottage cheese or jello.
I am so starved for a nice juicy cheese burger. Not to weigh myself everyday and get mad if the scale doeesn't move. What I am proud of, tough one I guess just getting through the week without complaining to the hubby or kids about something to do with my surgery.
I did finally get past a plateau I was stuck at for 3+ weeks, Now down 58 lbs.
I did actually have to buy some shorts. Hope all goes well for everyone this week.

My goal for the next week is to go cold turkey on soda. The dietician said today was my last day and since I don't have the kind I like in the house, Diet Caffine Free Dr. Pepper, I guess I'm done now. I've really cut back to only a couple a week, so it shouldn't be too hard. I also have to stop drinking 1/2 b4 and after meals. So I have 2 goals.
I will continue to exercise, Curves 3x per week and try to add in a couple of Gazelle workouts.
That's it.
My goal is to invite my AUNTIE FLO to come visit soon - so I can quit feeling so horrid. I want to eat about every 32 1/2 seconds ... and have been! At least I should be burning calories walking in and out of the kitchen. It's just unbelievable. (Plus I can never sleep good - even with my friend Tylenol PM - during this pre-period week.)
AND the scale is up about 3 pounds this a.m. -- COULDN'T be the snacking now could it? *LOL*
Hi Andrea!
Well, let's see...I didn't actually set any goals last week...
But, this week is a new week, right?
I bought the Walk Away The Pounds DVD set this weekend...but we didn't have a DVD player, so of course we needed to purchase a DVD/VCR combo...
So I did the One Mile DVD once yesterday and twice today...
So, I guess my goals for the week are:
1) To walk 2 miles per day, every day.
2) Not to cry over my thinning hair either, which just started today...Sheesh! I hope it doesn't last long; that was a LOT of hair in the drain today!
3) Try to get my calorie intake up to 600, like my surgeon wants it to be...I just can't seem to break 500 most days, and to make sure that I get 64+ oz. of water in EVERY day.
Something that I am proud of...hmmm...
...I actually began attending mass again this weekend, something that I have not done since my niece's funeral, almost 1 1/2 years ago...I guess that means that I may be starting to work through some of my issues with the Big Guy upstairs?!?
Baby steps, right?
***Mini-milestone***I actually see my collar bones beginning to emerge...
Blessings to you Andrea, as well as everyone else!
Open RNY 02/04/04 (Proximal-75 cm)
Oh yeah! 4) STOP weighing in on the scale every day!