Tomorrow is THE DAY!
I'm still excited, not nervous about tomorrow. I went to pick my daughter up yesterday from my ex's. We are still very close, love each other but can't live with one another, anyone else like that? Anyway, he's scared about this surgery & tried talking me out of it, try another diet, walk etc. They have a family friend who had WLS in the early 80's & she has eaten her way back to her "fat" weight plus pounds. And of course she has had biggg problems. I call that the age of the experiment WLS as they didn't know as much then as they do now. He said also Katie has dealt with enough death & she didn't need anymore added to the list! I was telling my dad about this (he will be moving to his place this week) & he came unglued saying I need to hear positive NOBODY should be going into surgery hearing the negative. I asked Loren why he didn't object to the hyster I had, surgery is surgery, ALL surgery is dangerous. Dad was kidding me about the skinny me to come & how the phone will probably ring off the hook as it did when I was a teen & lost a bunch of weight. Said to bad so sad if it's any of the local's, if they couldn't ask me out the way I am now they don't need to bother after I've lost the weight. I'm the same person only will have a new look. I won't have time for them!! I have a lot to do today, Katie will be staying with a family friend so getting her bags packed. I'm still trying to decide what to take with me, just may go empty handed! Feels like I'm running around with my head chopped off! Not sure what time surgery is, hospital will be calling today with that info, but Dr. office thought I would be checking in around 7:30. THANKS EVERYONE for your support, hugs to everyone! I will be in Sioux Valley Hospital, Cherokee, Ia. Talk to everyone when I get home.
Sorry this was so long....
had some venting to do! Hugs...Carolyn

good luck tomorrow....i know what you mean about the local guys...i feel if they dont like the fat me they sure wont like the skinny me. i am the same person maybe a little more picky on who i will thing i like to do know is post pics of the heavier me when i have an ad on a single site and if they decide to talk to me with that pic they i will still talk to them. good luck again you will be in my prayers........huggsss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lynda
Hey there Janet! Was hoping to see you before surgery. It's set for 8 a.m. Know I'm in the best of hands, maybe that's why I feel so calm? Was hoping you would call or possibly get over to see me while I'm in. Should sleep good tonight as busy as I've been today or else I'll sleep good during surgery....
hope my snoring will keep them awake during surgery
See you later. Thanks for the thoughts
Hugs Carolyn