Just a little nervous
Hey girls and guys-
I just need to talk. Tomorrow I go for my informational meeting, and I have to admitt I'm a bit nervous, somewhat excited, and a little apprehensive. I'm nervous because I'm not good in large crowds, excited because I really want this to happen, and apprehensive because all my family/and friends aren't as supportive as I would have hoped. They all think I'm fine the way I am. So I keep telling them that attitude about life will be the same I'm just going to be happier and healthier. But you know how life goes, not everyone understands. My husband on the other hand is definitley not understanding at all, to him weight doesn't matter, but he isn't here so he really doesn't understand why I'm wanting to do this. Anyway I just wanted to vent for awhile.
Sincerely- Heather
You are normal to feel anxious/nervous/excited all at the same time. Remember that the informational meeting is just that - a time to get information and ask some questions. Is someone going with you? My hubby went with me in August, but I did not make up my own mind to do something until in October. I also consulted with my family physician first and he recommended the surgery. (I really went in thinking that he would just send me home on another diet - actually, I was hoping that that's what he'd do. But, no, he recommended me for surgery.) Now I am enjoying the journey of weight loss.
If your husband will not attend with you, please ask another family member or friend. Those that are non=supportive may change their minds after being at the information meeting!
Good luck to you in your quest.
God bless,
Hi Heather:
If you only knew how normal you are. I ditto Andrea. It is a great
chance to listen and ask questions. Don't worry, other people
will ask questions too. Many of them that you may not have
even thought about. It really is a great thing to bring your
spouse to if he can go. I think this surgery is extremely hard on
our loved ones. There has been so much publicity surrounding it
lately some good, some bad. Since they can't live in our bodies
all they see are the risks. These meetings will help them to learn
why the surgery is so beneficial and it helps to dispell many myths
they may have heard from other less informed people.
Good Luck,
Unfortunatley no my husband can't go with me, he isn't really here, nor will he be anytime soon. I've asked a life long friend to go with me, but she likes to persuade me into not doing things because of the risks, maybe this will be good for her as well, I don't know. But I do appreciate your advice. Thank you.
Hi Heather - If I lived closer to you I would sure as heck go with you. I am still waiting to get on disability to get the surgery but know it is for me. I know what you mean about nonsupportive family and friends. I think they are only that way because they are scared for us and love us. There are risks in this surgery - but aren't the risks even higher for us if we stay the course and weight we are at? That is what I tell myself. And you have the great people here on the board to help you. I have been to two surgeons myself and they say I'm a great candidate and my regular Doc thinks it is for me. Just weighting (pardon the pun) for the disability...lol You can do this Heather! We are all here for ya! - Carol
Hi Heather!
Tomorrow will be very exciting for you and maybe a little over-whelming, so please try to take someone with you...preferrably someone that is close to you, but is maybe not pro-WLS, that way HE/SHE will be more informed, as well. My husband was totally against my having RNY because of all of the bad media publicity (he was afraid for me****il he went to the seminar with me...he actually turned into my biggest cheerleader (besides my Mom). Fear stems from the unknown and not being informed...most people only know what they see on television or in the newspaper, which unfortunately, is ALMOST never favorable because it is not "news-worthy".
Just remember, your family may be happy with you the way you are...but, it is YOU that lives in your body, it is YOU that deals with your body's illnesses and aches and pains, not them. Ultimately, it is your decision...my family, for the most part, may not have agreed with my decision, but they have stood behind me once that decision was made, and I am sure that yours will, too!
Good luck tomorrow, Sweetie!
Open RNY 02/04/04 (Proximal-75 cm)