Where's everyone at?
Has everyone blown clear to the Canadian border??? I just can't believe this wind! I just HATE it. It makes me crazier than I already am. I am so crabby that I'm just staying away from my hubby. Just him breathing the same air as me annoys me today! And he's a really nice guy. Plus we have shingles standing straight up again. This house is only 5 yrs old and there have been problems in that same spot 3 times. Anyone know a good roofer?
I'm sure part of my anxiety is all the testing tomorrow and not being able to eat until sometime after 12. If I'm cranky today, I can hardly wait to see what I'm like tomorrow.
Anyway, I hope everyone is still in the state and hasn't played Dorothy and Toto.
It's windy in Muscatine today too! But I'm THANKFUL - otherwise the warmth would have done me in.
I talked to my daughter who lives in Lincoln, NE and ran a sink of water with some Pine-Sol in it. So while we talked I wiped down some walls, and louvered doors and other things. I'd never have made good use of my time like that a year ago! *smile*
I have LOTS of company coming in two weeks so I better get a wiggle on ... clean, clean, CLEAN!!
My hubby grilled out this evening - I'm getting used to eating my vegetarian hot dogs sans buns. LOVE buns, but to many calories and to much bulk for me!
Oh you guys....
I just love the wind. Yeah, I can't rake the yard because it'll just blow away...and I can't walk across a parking lot without being pushed by the wind. (that was fun shopping for flowers today...they kept falling over on the cart!)
But the fresh air movement is nice through the house...I can open the windows and it chases all the stale hot air out. I bought a lovely little delicate wind chime today and sat on my front porch and listened to it for a while. Yeah...the plastic shopping bags blowing around the neighborhood today were a little annoying but it was fun to watch them blow in the air like balloons.
No I'm really not crazy...but found myself with time FOR myself today and really enjoyed the wind.
Hope everyone has a great week! Only five days til Saturday!
Kelly B.

Yeah loved the wind NOT!!!!! i had a fun day i went shopping with my mom and got new jeans....and lucky me they were on clearance for 2 bucks so i got a couple pairs.....sad thing before the surgery i was in a size 28 or larger and today i got a 22 that is good. and tops i like baggy shirts i would wear a 4x and now xlarge fits me. sssshhhh dont tell my mom but i still wear my 4x i like them big and baggy. so my clothes are bigger now and i feel good. have a great day and week.........lynda