Finally, a surgery date!
True confessions -- I'm more of a lurker than a poster. I've been at this for a long time it seems, and I finally have a surgery date -- Tues, April 27, 7:30am at Mercy Capitol in Des Moines. My surgeon is Dr. Susan Beck. Reality has set in, and I can't think of anything else about 24/7. Have a million things to do at work, and at home, before then. I'll be off of work for 6 wks.
Last Thursday, I had the pre-op testing -- labs, ABG (ouch), etc. Have to see my PCP next week for the pre-surgical exam, chest x-ray. Dashed off to a clinic today because I have a sinus infection, and wanted to get on antibiotics so I don't end up having surgery delayed because of it.
I do believe this is the right thing for me to do, but emotionally, I've been bouncing around. Normal, I know. A couple questions:
1) How long did it take before you had some energy and felt good? (not so exhausted)
2) How long were most of you nauseous?
They told me this week that if you have a tendency to get nauseous easily/vomit or had a problem with that in pregnancy, there's a good chance you will post-op as well, and it can last 6 weeks. Oh joy!
Francie P
Hooray for you, Francie!!! And welcome to the boards - glad that you're no longer lurking!! You are right, your feelings are normal. You will think of this surgery and the changes that you are going to make all of the time between now and the end of the month. It's okay, it has happened to most of us.
I was out of work for 5 weeks due to surgery - but the first week back, got the flu with diahrea and a lot of nausea. I teach, so am sure that in my weakened state I picked up a virus. Anyway, the energy did not come back for several weeks afterwards. Probably at about 7 or 8 weeks out, I was feeling pretty normal again.
As for the nausea, I was so nauseous when I came home that I called the center crying and telling them that I just couldn't even sip on a protein drink because it hurt so badly. They gave me a prescription for a suppository that stops the nauseousness. Took it once and that's it because it made me soooo s-p-a-c-e-y. (Surgery was Monday - home on Thursday - made the call on Friday.....................) and by Sunday was not that nauseous anymore. So, I guess that it didn't last too long.
Well, while you wait anxiously for your date, keep posting so we can get to know you better. You have come to a great place for support! Hang in there - you'll be on this side of the journey before you know it!
God bless,
Everyone responds to the surgery differently. I was out of work 3 weeks & was pretty much back to normal as far as energy goes at that time, although I was happy it was a 4 day week.
The only time I felt nauseous was caused by me & my actions, by drinking too fast or not chewing well or by eating too fast.
Congratualtions! I was out 2 weeks, but went back (I work at an Elementary School) during summer break, and basically sat at the computer and answered the phone for another week of half days. No nausea- unless I ate too fast, or too much. Lots of up and down emotions the first few weeks, too. Upped my Paxil for awhile! I guess it was probably a month out that I started to feel more energy- and it just mushroomed from there. Before I could barely walk from the parking lot into school. Now I usually walk a mile or so a day, and visit the gym 4-5 days a week to work on weights and ride the stationary bike fo 30 minutes.
Jeri H.
7/11/03 -104lbs.
You are getting there. Only a week and a couple of days. The healing time for people depend on them and how well you handle the surgery. Sometimes people feel good about 6 weeks out and some don't have energy until 12 or so weeks out. I started to have lots of energy I would say at 12 weeks. I would get more energy before that however it was a hit and miss type of thing.
There are times that I still get sick on some foods and I am 44 weeks post op. It depends and what the food is, how well I have chewed and if it was spicey or not. That is just for me though. I am not sure how it is for others. I have yet to eat any really red meat, like steak or anything else of that type. I am not really in a hurry either. I don't miss it.
I will be thinking of you and I will see you on Tues. night. Take care and everything will be ok.

Hey Francie...are you having it done lap or open? I had mine open and I was back to work part time in 10 days. I was never nauseous except the first time I tried to stand after surgery and whenever I don't chew something enough or drink a lot when I eat. I felt normal at abou 1 month out. I believe you attitude has some to do with it as well.. I stay home part time with 2 year old twins and I knew I had to get well from before I was cut open I thought positively and kept telling myself that I was going to heal quickly. I did take it easy and did mostly what my doctor told me. But I think your mind has a lot to do with how you heal. And yes, you'll be very emotional for a couple of months after surgery. I was happy I was in therapy...loosing food as a friend is a big transition!
You'll be in my prayers
Deb PAul