Good day ? Bad day
Today started out as a good day....but quickly turned into a bad one....I swear carbs are the devil....I went shopping this morning to find some shorts.....I have NONE that fit me.....I was pleased.....I can wear cute strappy sandels now and a size 8......My feet used to be 9-91/2.....And I could never by the cute sandels because my feet were really fat.....I saw some cute leather strappys for like $7 .....I tryed them on and they fit...I couldn't believe it......Then at Walmart I found two pair of shorts for cheap.....I grabbed the XL in some cotton lounge shorts and I had to put them back and get the L......that about blew my mind.....I grabbed a 16 pair of jean shorts and ended up having to get the 14's again about blew my mind......but as we were youngest Madi wanted i got her some.....Well I ended up snacking on it with her and started a whole day of snacking.....Once I eat a little carbs they are all I want for the rest of the day.....snack snack snack......I was working on eating better and doing a really good job until I am a little bummed!!!! Plus I really needed to do some house work, but all the carbs and now I have a headache and don't want to do anything!!! I WILL DO BETTER TOMORROW.....but I needed to vent today......I hope everyone else'd day is going well.....Take Care

Hello Jesi,
Dont be hard on yourself just take one day at a time I know what you mean the snacking is hard to quit. that is so awsome that you went down in clothes size today I went to my moms she had some clothes that she use to wear when she was thin so she gave them to me they were XL shorts and 16s I couldnt believe it my goal is to get to 14s by july. but cheer up things will go good for you cant wait to see you next week.
take care hugs
Laurie are so cool! I just want you to know that...I've never met you but I know that you're very special. Snacking and eating carbs is going to happen....1. Carbs are the easiest to go down and 2. we don't eat very much and some people eat 4-6 meals a day after are they "snacking"? The secret to stopping is to look at what your doing, and decide to stop...we all have the power to do that. Just like you'll do better don't beat yourself up today. I'm very impressed with your new skinny sizes! I keep trying to fit my wide feet into those strappy sandles...but they still won't fit!
I'll keep dreaming , though
Deb PAul

Hey dear - sorry that I missed this last night! I was not on the puter at all. Now, after hearing all the changes that you have made in sizes, you can't go beating yourself up over one bad day. Hang in there!!! It sounds like you are getting soooooooooo tiny!!!
Are you still doing the protein drinks? Maybe they will help with the snacking. I know that when I snack, I don't get in my fluids. It does help me to be at school and busy because I cannot eat when I don't have any food. Being home all day has to be hard on you. You can do it, though!!! I learned at the psychologist yesterday that I have to stop feeling guilty for eating. It is going to be a long process, but I am going to give it a valient effort.
I'll try to call you tonight to check up on you.
Hugs and blessings,
P.S. Guess what - I am wearing a pair of shorts that you gave me as we speak. Still, not the skinny sizes that you are "down to"!