New to the board
It's nice to have a place to talk to others about my surgery.
I had my surgery on Nov. 13, 2003 in Grinnell, Ia. On Mar. 19, 2004 I had emergency surgery in Ottuwma to repair an incarcerated herna. I have not been released to return to work yet from my last surgery. I'm down 66 pounds but, have not lost anymore weight for the past three weeks. I'm happy about my weight but feel just a little blue today.
Does anyone else just feel blue sometimes?????

Hi Sandy! Welcome! I had my surgery about a month before you, (10/10/03) and you had your other surgery on my birthday! YES, YES, YES!!! I have days where I feel blue too. I have days when I don't wanna do a darn thing also. My theory is it is all those hormones getting re-arranged. BF thinks it is PMS 24/7! LOL ( I tell him that the mood swing is on my property and I can swing it when ever I want! )
Hope to see more of you! Elizabeth
Hello Sandy and welcome!
I too get blue......Don't get me wrong this is an amazing journey and I would do it again, and I am totally happy with the results.......But it is hard to deal with at times.....I was a huge emotional eater (now I realize this) and not being able to eat anymore is hard.....sometimes I just don't know what to do with myself......Then there are the days where I am bummed and snack all day then I feel worse.....It is not an easy thing to deal with......But with the support from family and friends.....really a lot of friends from this board.....I get through it.....I try not to dwell on the bad days and try to make each day better!!! We all need help in this journey.....Sounds like you are doing great with having the two surgries...I wish you nothing but the best and look forward to supporting eachother on here!

welcome to the board. go job on losing the weight. i had my surgery on dec. 11, 2003. everyone knows me as the one that had complications and i scared alot of people on here but i am doing great now and feeling great now. this is an awesome place to make friends. we can talk openly about everything. glad you joined us.......lynda
Hi Sandy:
Welcome! I'm fairly new also, just had my surgery on 2/3/04.
I've been lucky and havn't had any complications. I know that
I get the blues periodically. I'm hoping some of it is a little bit
of mourning for the foods I can't eat anymore. Sometimes
it's that my expectations are higher than my results. But it
usually passes. If it gets really bad, be sure to talk to your
surgeon. It's not uncommon.
Glad to read your post,
Hi and welcome to a wonderful place!! I'm sorry to here that you have had to have a second surgery. That in and of itself would make me blue! The issue of not being able to eat whenever I want to (grazer here) has had an affect on me. I actually just went for some therapy yesterday and need to keep control of what I do eat and learn not to feel guilty about it. That is the hard part. I suggest that if you struggle too often, a therapist/counselor/psychologist, whatever, may be a route that you want to explore.
Welcome and God bless,
P.S. Love that mood swing comment, Elizabeth! I'll have to use that next time I have PMS!!