A gift to myself
Last week I realized that I was having a bit of trouble staying away from snacking. I also realized that my scales had stayed pretty much at the same place for about 2 weeks. I decided I needed a way to remind myself of what I was doing & how well was doing. I bought myself an Italian charm bracelt & one charm for every 10 lbs I have lost. So far that is 9 charms. I hope to find a charm with 100 on it for when I hit the century mark and will get a charm everytime I have lost another 10 lbs.
I think it's helping me to stay on tract. I lost 3 lbs since buying it on Monday. By the way, the bracelet was really inexpensive. I can't wait until it has more charms than empty links.
My problem with snacking, and to be honest I am pretty good at staying away from it, is that I work so hard on getting in protein that I crave things that aren't very good for me. Things like corn chips, potato chips, and especially pop corn. I'm proud to say I have stayed away from sweets, even sugar free ones. I don't want to discover that I don't dump and I suspect that I may be one of the lucky (?) ones that don't. I tasted wedding cake at my son's wedding this month. I took two tiny bites & gave it to my husband to finish but I really wanted to grab it out of his hand. I do get my chocloate fix when I drink my soy protein shakes.
I have tried some of the chips that are high in protein & frankly hated them. There is one that isn't bad. It appears to be cheese that has been baked & dried out with a bit of flavor added. I liked them at first but not now. My doctor doesn't want any snacking at all. I just have to face it that any snacking at all could be detrimental. If you have any suggestions for "good" snacks I would be open to them. I really doubt if I can cut them out completely.
I am the snacking queen!! I fight everyday to overcome those temptations and have not been too successful! When I do snack, it is healthy, (except for last week when the fritoes were in the house for a recipe). However, the dietician doesn't want me snacking at all, either. She did, however, say that I could have a Sportscookie or protein bar if those were counted as one of my protein supplements. I don't do that often because of the calories - Sportcookie about 150, so not bad, but most protein bars about 200-250. I also chew sugar free gum when I think that I need something to eat. I used to eat soy nuts to help with regularity, but the dietician put the nix on that, too.
Good luck on fighting the good fight! I'm right there with you! I like the idea of a bracelet. Where did you get it from? I just might have to join you in that adventure!
God bless,
Andrea & Jesi, and anyone who might be interested,
I bought my bracelet at a Hallmark store, specifically one in Waverly but I imagine they are all over. The actual bracelet cost me $7.95 and each charm was $3.25. You can buy much more expensive ones though. I have been looking online for a charm that has the number 100 on it but can't find one. However, I did discover that the charms can get quite expensive- $20- 25 a piece is not rare. I think I'll stick with my $3.25 ones. If I have to I can buy a 1 & 2 0's. So far I have my initials, my kids birthstones, my husband's & my birthstones, and a red hat ( to signify my age.) When I get to 110lbs lost I will add my new DIL's birthstone. I would love to find a place that personalizes charms & get my surgery date on one.
Thanks for sharing the idea! It's a great one. I think I'm going
to follow in your footsteps. I have the night grazing syndrome.
You know, the one where as soon as the sun sets the kitchen
cupboard doors keep opening on their own and calling me to
come empty them of chips and treats. I really struggle with the
snacking too. So, your motivation idea is a great one.
Thanks for sharing,