Surgery moved to Sioux City
Dr. Shinnerl had me come back in yesterday (13th) to visit. He has decided he would be more comfortable performing surgery in the city with cardio docs right there. I really admire him for this. My heart is diseased & this surgery is a big risk, more so because of the heart. We are still looking at the 20th for surgery, he is priviledged already at St. Luke's for open rny but has to apply for lap rny. He had put the call in yesterday. I'm not scared or nervous about surgery, just anxious to get this show on the road

well it sounds like things are moving right along. You sound like a very strong woman and god will bless you and don't think having the surgey moved to a better hospital is a bad thing. As long as you have faith in your surgeon you will lay down on the table and think to yourself when I wake I will begin a new life and will live a very long and healthy life. I will look forward to seeing more of your posts, Carolyn
Lorrie from Ames
Thanks for the positive Lorrie
Faith is the word, I have faith in my surgeon & know we are making the right decision moving to St. Luke's. I have alot of admiration & respect for Dr. Shinnerl. He's a very kind, compassionate man & I know he is doing this for my own good. I know nothing will go wrong but a little caution never hurt anyone! Thanks again

Let me in, let me in.........
Can you say, "Thank you, Jesus!"? Your surgery was moved for a reason and your faith along with the GREAT Physician's mighty hand will sustain you.
Prayers for you and your surgeon!
God bless,
P.S. Yes, this is a wonderful place to be with such tremendous support!!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you Carolyn. Once I get an ok from disability and whatever medical avenue I can use to get the surgery I am going right to Dr. Shinnerl and difenately going to St. Lukes. I don't want to risk going to a smaller hospital with all my other health conditions. You will be well taken care of. Good Luck and keep us updated!
- Carol