Going through a tough time!
Hello all! I haven't posted much since I'm waiting for disability approval. But I have some bad news about my personal life that I want to share and get some support on. My fiance of 4 years broke up with me last Monday and I was told that I have to find a new place to live in 2 months. There is no new woman involved with him or anything. He just doesn't want to have to foot the bill for our household anymore - since I don't work due to filing for disability. He still wants to be friends - but I hurt so much. I try to tell myself and others that I'm doing fine - but I'm lying to them and to myself. I have found a place to live in the small town we live in. It is so hard to pack up my things. I love him! I know if God wants us to be together he will bring us back, but I'm scared! I might have to wait a year - at least till next January to get the surgery - that is when I will be able to get on medicare. I can't finance the medical program for a disabled person that would be getting as much from the government as I will. The Government Sucks! Please help me with your support! - Carol
Big hugs Carol. Kind of tough right now but step back & take a look at the big picture. He doesn't want to support you & the household now?? What was going to happen when you married????? Honey, I hate to disappoint you more, but medicare DOES NOT pay for this surgery. I'm not sure if Dr. Shinnerl in Cherokee finances this or Sioux Valley hospital, but it would be worth checking into. It's worth checking into. Chin up honey it will work out. Big huggles Carolyn
i am sorry about your boyfriend. i always hated when my mom or grandma would say to me there are more fish in the sea or here is another one mr. right is out there just give it time. be glad he did this before you were married. divorce it sucks big time. and can you qualifie for the spend down program with title 19. my dr. smith accepts it. that is how i got my surgery paid for. i am very glad that i did have my surgery and no regrets now. if you ever need to talk i am here......lynda
Carol, I am sorry to hear about the split up, but the other gals were right, if he did this now it is much better than after your married. Right now you need to focus on you, be positive and you will see God does have a purpose for everyone and everything. One thing I learned is things always happen for the best and usually when you least expect it they will turn out. God bless and good luck with getting help for your surgery.

Oh, Carol, sweetie, I'm so sorry that you are having a tough time. Men!?!?! What's up with them????? I don't know much about the medicare programming but my prayers continue to go out your way for some peace and comfort and especially some support and strength during this time in your life. Hang in there!
God bless,